
    3.  Proposed locomotion mechanism
    We set  basic  requirements  for our  experimental
    mobile robot as follows.
    1)  On  flat terrain, fast and efficient  locomotion  is realized with simple control.
    The  robot  can move  in the  discontinuous contact
    locomotion environment.
    For, the movement  on  steep slope, traction  is
    generated at the all contact points between  the robot
    and terrain.
    In  order  to  increase the reliability  and  decrease  the
    cost, the robot  has  less number  of  actuators than
    normal legged robot.
    satisfy  above  requirements,  we  propose a  new
    configuration  as  shown in Fig.1. Many mobile robots
    developed earlier have an active wheel  at the  tip of  their
    leg. Though such a mechanism shows high adaptability
    to the environment, it requires large number of  actuators.
    In our proposed scheme, different kinds of mechanism are
    employed  at  the front end  and  rear end in order  to
    decrease the number  of  actuators.  The  robot  has  two
    front legs and two rear legs. Front leg has a serial link
    structure, and  has three  rotational  joints.  A relatively
    small lockable passive wheel is attached at the tip of each
    front leg.  The  first joint, that links  the  bcdy  and the
    thigh,  has vertical axis  and  the second  and  third  joints
    have horizontal axis.  End  of  the front leg (passive
    wheel)  can  be  positioned arbitrarily in its  work  space.
    Rear  leg has a rotational joint, and also has  a relatively
    large active wheel at the tip of the leg.  The  joint axis is
    horizontal, and its  movable  range  is  over one
    round.  Accordingly,  the active wheel moves on a
    circular trajectory  in  the  lateral plane.  Totally,
    this configuration has ten degrees of  freedom, and
    it  is  smaller  number  than  that  of  a  normal
    quadruped robot, twelve. On a  flat  terrain, four
    wheels are used for locomotion.  Wheels contribute fast and efficient locomotion. When front passive wheel  is
    positioned  at just  bellow  the first joint  axis,  steering
    action is performed by controlling the first joint only.  In
    addition, legs can function as active suspensions. In  the
    case of  rough terrain, the front passive wheels are locked,
    and front two legs are used to walk.  Rear active wheels
    are still  used  for  locomotion.  The  robot  can  generate
    traction at the all the contact points between the robot and
    the ground.  When the robot encounters a large step where rear  wheel  can  not  climb, the rear leg is moved
    from the rear  side to the front side through the air by  leg
    joint motion.
    Fig.2 shows a photograph of constructed mobile robot,
    and  it is called ‘Walk’n Roll”. Basic  specifications are
    also shown in Table 1.  The robot  is separated from the
    power  source, motor  amplifiers, and a control computer,
    and they  are connected by  the cables.  DC  servo motors
    are used  to drive the joints and rear wheels. Solenoids
    are  used  to  lock  the front  wheels.  Rotary  encoder  is
    attached at each joint and active wheel. In order to detect
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