    Overview of stamping die Stamping Die - Stamping in the cold, the material (metal or non-metallic) processing into parts (or half) of a special technical equipment, called cold stamping die (commonly known as Die). Press - is at room temperature, using the die installed in the press to put pressure on the material to produce a separation or plastic deformation, and thus to obtain the necessary parts of a pressure processing method. 9336
    Stamping die in the form of many, the general categories according to the following main features:
    1. According to the technical nature of
    (1) Die along the closed or open contour the material are derived from mold. If blanking die, punch die, cut off the mold, cut mode, cutting mode, split mode, etc..
    (2) bending mode to blank or blank sheet along a straight line (curved line) to bend, deform, and thus obtain a certain angle and shape of the workpiece in the mold.
    (3) The drawing die is made of the blank sheet opening hollow, or hollow pieces of further changes to the shape and size of the mold.
    (4) Die rough or semi-finished workpiece is convex according to plan, direct copy the shape of the die shape, the material itself, generate only local plastic deformation of the mold. Such as the bulging mode, reducing the die, expansion die, forming die rolling, flanging mold, plastic mold.
    2. According to the degree classification process combination
    (1) single process model in a press tour, just completed a die stamping process.
    (2) composite model is only one station, in a press tour, at the same station at the same time to complete more than two or two die stamping process.
    (3) Progressive Die (also known as the modulus of continuity) in the feeding direction, rough, with two or more of the station, at the press of a visit, work in different places on the completion of two or two successive Road over stamping die process.
    Chong called cold stamping die Die-wide.
    Cold stamping die is used in cold stamping die mold industry, and accessories required for high-performance structural ceramic materials, preparation methods, high-performance ceramic materials, molds and accessories from the zirconium oxide and yttrium aluminum powder increases, Pr element composition, Preparation is the solution of zirconia, yttria solution, praseodymium oxide solution, according to a certain percentage of alumina solution when mixed liquor, ammonium bicarbonate infusion, by co-precipitation synthesis of ceramic materials, molds and accessories needed for raw materials, reaction precipitate generated by the treatment, drying, calcining and accessories by high performance ceramic mold material superfine powder, and then after forming, sintering, finishing, they will have high-performance ceramic materials, molds and accessories. Advantages of this invention is the invention made of cold stamping dies and parts and long service life, the process does not appear in the press and its parts and stamping die bond generated the phenomenon of stamping surface is smooth, no glitches, can replace traditional high-speed steel, tungsten steel.

    Die with the main parts
    Die stamping tools is the main process equipment, stamping rely on the relative movement under the mold completed. Processing time because the upper and lower mold between the constant pision and, if continued operation of the fingers of workers to enter or remain in the mold closed, there will certainly pose a serious threat to their personal safety.
    (A) of the mold main parts, function and safety requirements
    1. Working parts is a direct punch to blank forming the working parts, therefore, it is the key to mold parts. Punch not only sophisticated and complex, it should meet the following requirements:
    (1) be of sufficient strength, can not be broken or destroyed during stamping.
    (2) should be appropriate to its material and heat treatment requirements, to prevent too high hardness and brittle fracture.
    2. Positioning parts positioning part is to determine the location of the parts installed blank, there are pins (board), gauge pin (plate), lead is sold, guide plate, knife set from the side, side pressure etc.. Design should be considered when positioning parts easy to operate and should not have had orientation, location to facilitate observation, preferably in the forward position, contouring to correct the pin location and positioning.
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