
    assembled with other components through its interfaces
    Fig. 3 shows a program built with components. Utili-
    ties of program are provided by  client1 and  client2.
    Client1 connects to component1 through interface1 to get
    service;  client2 connects to  component2 through  inter-
    face2_2 to get service. Component2 also provides service
    for component1 through its interface2_1.
    Because a software component is a self-contained
    computer code and it just communicates with out-side
    objects through its interfaces. So, when using a compo-
    nent, we have no need to know how it operates in-side
    and actually, we can not know this if the component is
    from a third-party. This stands for the ease to use and the
    high security of software component.
    If customers use a component-based program, they
    will have a chance of upgrading or updating the program
    by themselves by replacing existing components with
    new components but the same interfaces. This work does
    not affect operation of the other components. By this
    way, we can also do for our software products. This
    stands for the  openness and the  reuse of the programs
    which are constructed from components.
    A software component also is self-deployable comput-
    er code. It can be installed and executed independently of
    other components. So, when providing service for other
    objects, it plays a role of server and the objects using its
    service are clients. In Fig. 3,  component1 is server of
    client1 and it is a client of  component2. Component2 is
    server of client2 and component1. With the good support
    of .NET platform, components can execute as servers in
    different computers, they can easily interact remotely to
    each other [2]. The program consisting of components
    running in different computers is called distributed appli-
    cation. This kind of program is used for giving solution
    for distributed (complex) systems. This also stands for
    the openness of component-oriented software.  
    All characteristics: easy use, high security, openness,
    reuse, conquering complexity make component-oriented
    programming better than other programming techniques
    before it (structured programming, object-oriented pro-
    Design patterns were concerned first in [8] for object-
    oriented programming and the original implementations
    were presented in C++ and Smalltalk. As the useful of
    them, there are many new patterns which are applied to
    other programming techniques such as component-
    oriented programming and implemented into many other
    programming languages [9] such as: Visual Basic, C#,
    Java, etc. A design pattern is defined in “a generalized
    solution to a commonly occurring problem” [3].  
    Design patterns are found by experienced developers.
    They used to face the problems which are similar to each
    other many times. The solution for the problems is gen-
    eralized and formalized to create a design pattern. Thus,
    design patterns are experiences in software engineering.
    If we find suitable design patterns for our architecture,
    they can help us a stable architecture and short time in
    The benefits of component-oriented programming de-
    scribed in section 3 give us the motivation of designing
    component-oriented architecture for SCADA system to
    overcome the limits of existing SCADA systems. A real-
    time design pattern can be applied to make the architec-
    ture to be stable and more suitable with distributed real-
    time systems. The “component-based architecture” pat-
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