
       Fig.9 shows the values obtained in the location of gauge 16, placed on the web of the column. It can be seen that the stresses in the case of un-strengthened model are less than the values obtained in the second case. It results that the web of the column is more stressed, but the values are not very high.   Fig.9 Results for gauge 16  4   Conclusion The repair and strengthening of steel structures have become increasingly important in civil engineering tasks. The steel structures are durable, they do deteriorate significantly over time and to extend their service life, they must be repaired. Repair measures enable the deteriorated steel structures once again to sustain the action defined in their original designs. Strengthening allows the designed actions to be increased. Both types of measures should be fully exploared before demolition and/or replacement by new structure.      The results for this finite element analysis were very close to the results in laboratory. This is very important to know since, for the future, the need of experimental tests will be smaller, for certain modifications in the features of a steel frame connection. 
        The finite element analysis shows the deformed shape of the connection and can give a more accurate location of the affected zones. Results show that, although there is a rigidity loop on the column, the stresses do not exceed the yielding point in that area. This doesn’t mean that the connection is well designed since the over-strength coefficient has to be taken into account when a design for seismic action is performed.      Another idea resulted from this analysis, is the one that attention should be directed to other effects of the action. Here, although the stresses in the flanges decreased, the stresses in the web of the column increased, for the same acting force.   References: [1]X1. P100-1/2006, Cod de proiectare seismica, prevederi de proiectare petru cladiri. [2]X2. P100-3/2008, Cod de proiectare seismic, Prevederi pentru evaluarea seismic a cladirilor existente. [3]X3. Di Sarno L., Elnashai A.S., Seismic Retrofitting of Steel and Composite Building Structures, 2002. [4]X4. Ivan M., Ivan A., Stanciu M. Popa V., The influence of geometric imperfections generated by erection and production errors on the behaviour of steel tower, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Metal Structures, Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, 2003, pp. 50-56. [5]X5. Eurocode8, Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 3: Assessing and retrofitting of buildings.   









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