    abstractThe construction of sheet pile walls may involve either excavation of soils in front or backfilling of soilsbehind the wall. These construction procedures generate different loading conditions in the soil andtherefore different wall behavior should also be expected. The conventional methods, which are basedon limit equilibrium approach, commonly used in the design of anchored sheet pile walls do not considerthe method of construction. However, continuum mechanics numerical methods, such as finite elementmethod, make it possible to incorporate the construction method during the analyses and design of sheetpile walls. 52538
    The effect of wall construction type for varying soil conditions and wall heights were investi-gated using finite element modeling and analysis. The influence of construction method on soil behavior,wall deformations, wall bending moments, and anchor forces were investigated. The study results indi-cate that walls constructed by backfill method yield significantly higher bending moments and walldeformations. This paper presents the results of the numerical parametric study performed and compar-ative analyses of the anchored sheet pile walls constructed by different construction methods.  1. IntroductionSheet pile walls are widely used in excavation support systems,cofferdams, cut-off walls under dams, slope stabilization, water-front structures, and floodwalls. Although there are several othermaterials (such as timber, reinforced concrete, and plastics) usedfor sheet piles, steel sheet piles are the most common in retainingwalls. Sheet pile walls used to provide lateral earth support can beeither cantilever or anchored depending on the wall height. Whilerelatively shorter sheet pile walls can be cantilever, higher wallsrequire anchors. Sheet pile walls are classified as flexible wallsand have relatively much lower system stiffness [1] compared toother in-situ walls such as slurry walls. Due to their lower systemstiffness, sheet pile walls experience relatively larger deformations.Depending on the original ground surface elevations and the re-quired design elevations in the front and behind the wall, sheet pilewalls can be constructed by two different methods: excavation andbackfilling. Construction of both methods first starts by driving thesheet piles into the ground. In excavation cases, the sheet piles aredriven into the ground almost completely and then the front side isexcavated until the design elevation is reached.源'自^751;文,论`文'网]www.751com.cn
    In the backfillcases, the sheet piles are partially driven into the soil, to a designpenetration depth, and then the back side of the wall is filled upto the design elevation. Depending on the original ground surfaceand final design elevation, the construction may also involve com- bination of both methods. At the end of the construction, both con-struction methods result in a similar profile, i.e. a retaining wallwith soil mass behind. A schematic of the two construction meth-ods is shown in Fig. 1.These two distinctively different construction methods gener-ate different loading and deformations in the soils around the wall.When the soils around the wall behave differently, the wall is alsoexpected to behave differently when different construction meth-ods are used. However, conventional design methods are basedon limit equilibrium approach and they do not consider the con-struction method involved. These methods are based on activeand passive earth pressures that are concerned with the failurecondition based on the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. The con-tinuum mechanics numerical models, such as the finite elementmethod, on the other hand, allow the exploration of stresses anddisplacements based on a range of anticipated loading history forthe entire stress and deformation field for a soil–structure interac-tion problem. Because of these capabilities of finite element meth-od, it is possible to model the construction method and investigatethe behavior of wall and surrounding soil throughout the construc-tion process, not just at the limit equilibrium conditions.The behavior of sheet piles walls have been studied by manyresearchers over the years. The finite element method has alsobeen used extensively for modeling the soil–structure interactionfor different types of retaining walls for different loading condi-tions.
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