
    Third, the lighting and lighting technology
    1. Natural light. Natural light not only to meet the lighting and reduce energy consumption, more importantly, to meet people on natural light, space sense of direction, alternating day and other natural psychological perception of information requirements, so as to reduce or eliminate depression and personnel panic. compared to Artificial lighting, natural lighting has many advantages. The main methods of natural light lighting method of passive and active lighting method categories. passive lighting lighting method depends on the type of window, side windows and sunroof can be summarized as . side and high side light method is mainly used for semi-basement space, stepped on the slopes of underground structure, backfill and the side wall of the cave architecture lighting and side lighting and other shaft. skylight lighting, also known as the top light is to the top of the room or hall windows, natural light into the room. the famous Montreal "underground city", and so extensive underground city Kobe, Japan, the application of this technology. active solar lighting systems need to be proactive method of natural light through the conduit, channel, etc. delivered to the underground space. principle is calculated according to the season and the time position of the sun changes, the use of sets of light, mass and supporting devices such as light and astigmatism control system will be sent to the need for natural light, lighting pArts.

    2. Artificial lighting. Even if the natural lighting has many advantages, but it is difficult to fully utilize the underground space of natural light to meet the lighting needs of the various parts of ground. So to make use of technology to supplement the artificial lighting. In the use of artificial illumination lighting technology must be considered , uniformity, color, suitability and other factors, and strive to meet the human visual characteristics to create a lighting environment.
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