
    3. Importance of Computer Aided Injection Mould Design
    The injection molding design task can be highly complex. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) analysis tools provide enormous advantages of enabling design engineers to consider virtually and part, mould and injection parameters without the real use of any manufacturing and time. The possibility of trying alternative designs or concepts on the computer screen gives the engineers the opportunity to eliminate potential problems before beginning the real production. Moreover, in virtual environment, designers can quickly and easily asses the sensitivity of specific molding parameters on the quality and manufacturability of the final product.. All these CAE tools enable all these analysis to be completed in a meter of days or even hours, rather than weeks or months needed for the real experimental trial and error cycles. As CAE is used in the early design of part, mould and molding parameters, the cost savings are substantial not only because of best functioning part and time savings but also the shortens the time needed to launch the product to the market.
  1. 上一篇:塑料注射成型智能模具设计英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:模具的发展与趋势英文文献和中文翻译
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