
    2.1 The relationship between economic model, environment and the resources

      Human survival and economic activities rely on the resources and the environment.On one hand ,it is the source of the human beings material system; on the other hand, it bears the economic activities of human waste generated by the various roles. The Earth can provide resources but are limited, even though it must have the ability to purify, however it is subject to human economic activity the ability of emissions is also limited.

       Industrial economic development patterns are from "One Product One resource pollution" posed by one-way flow of material and an open economy, this openness has led to a global depletion of resources and waste, as well as the serious deterioration of the ecological environment. 

       Circular economy development pattern is from "one of resources of renewable resources, one of green products" posed by the material energy of the closed-loop feedback loop process, this closed loop system, can maintain economic production of low, high-quality, low-waste, which will be economic activity of natural resources and environmental impacts to minimize damage.

    2.2 Interpretation of the circular economy mode “3r” principle

      ”3r” principle is the basic manifestation of the economic cycle, and its specific contents are as follows:

       "Reduction" principle is the first principle of circular economy, that is the source of control method, which requires the source of economic activity - the design stage, pay attention to the use of resources-saving and pollution reduction requirements with fewer resources to achieve the established purpose of the production or consumption In the production areas, usually the energy-saving production processes, materials and conservation of resources, the products of small size and lightweight, and easy and simple packaging requirements in order to achieve the purpose of reducing waste emissions; In the consumer area, reduction of the supremacy of the principle of a change in consumer lifestyles and advocate moderate consumption and green consumption. "Reuse" principle is the second principle of circular economy, that is, process control methods, with the aim to improve the products and resources use efficiency, it calls for product design to initial the form of packaging for multiple items to prevent premature become waste. In the design, to the use of standard-sized parts, repair and upgrade in order to replace, thus prolonging the service life of products; In the consumer area, to promote the purchase of durable consumer goods, to reduce the use of disposable products, such as after-sales service by strengthening the means to extend the product life as possible and not waste.

       "Recycling" principle is the third principle of circular economy, that is, terminal control method of production and consumption in the process of waste generated, through the "resources" of the means of its re-processing of raw materials can be re-used or product, put it back on consumption. Resources of the so-called class of resources usually include the original and secondary resources. The original class of resources is the waste of resources after the formation of the same with the original products, sub-resource is the waste of resources into different types of after the new products. To promote waste recycling economy will be the source of the original and sub-class of combining resources in order to fully realize the recycling use of resources.

    3 The impact of the “3r” principle of to industrial design

      ”3r” principle is not only on products from the design, production, sales, use, disposal and so on throughout the life cycle have an impact on all aspect, but also on the industrial design itself, a more extensive and profound changes:

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