
    Asian countries that have implemented three-dimensionalgreening policies include Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. ASingaporean study on rooftop greening has suggested thatrooftop greening improves the visual aesthetics of buildings andincreases their asset value as well [16]. An application reportfrom the Hong Kong Building Services Department has alsosuggested that many countries have relevant three-dimensionalgreening evaluation plans intended to encourage the construc-tion of environmentally-beneficial buildings. Buildings withrooftop greening enjoy additional evaluation points and are alsodemonstrated to be environmentally-beneficial, thereforeincreasing their asset value [17].In summary, though the studies on the impact of sustainablebuilding and building space greening on the market describedabove have not clearly shown the degree of influence of three-dimensional greening or produced clear quantitative data ofadded value, the studies have clearly demonstrated that theimplementation and promotion of three-dimensional greeningbring about social and environmental benefits and have a posi-tive impact on the market value of buildings with rooftopgreening. In addition, foreign evaluations of sustainable buildinghave begun to be included in bank risk assessment systems. It isapparent that the impact of building greening on the market willincrease in the future. 2.2. Primary international assessment tools and literature onbuilding and urban environment as well as greening-relatedevaluationSince 1990, evaluation tools have developed, in keeping withincreased attention to environmental issues, from the early “greenperformance” evaluation perspective to considerations of “holisticbuilding environment performance.” The latter term refers to thefact that a single building has a great impact on the planning anddesign as well as maintenance operations of community facilities[2]. The Global Sustainable Building Conference of 2008 was heldin Melbourne. This study has compiled the important assessmenttools presented at the conference, including SBTool [18], theAmerican LEED [19e22], the Japanese CASBEE [4,23e25], and theTaiwanese nine-indicators EEWH [26]. Evaluation criteria as wellas urban, building environment, greening, and related items wereexamined in the conference (Tables 1 and 2). Of these evaluationtools, the Japanese-developed CASBEE evaluation method incor-porates different evaluation systems based on different scaleneeds and building types; these evaluation systems are pidedinto the residential building scale, the building scale, the urbanstreets scale, and the urban scale. In response to global warmingand the urban heat island effect, the CASBEE-NC, CASBEE-UD,CASBEE-UAþB, and CASBEE-HI evaluation systems have incorpo-rated “global warming” as an assessment criterion, demonstratingthe emphasis placed on environmental climate change by Japan aswell as the greater emphasis placed on the evaluation criteria of urban microclimate, ecologies, and building space environmentgreening.2.3. Current development of urban greening policiesSustainable building evaluation tools are primarily used for themain bodies of buildings [27e29]. However, population-denseurban areas include buildings of different types, impermeablepavement, cement ground, and other artificial structures in addi-tion to frequent human activity, causing entire cities to becomeheat-emitting islands. Consequently, with “cities” as a coreconsideration, many countries have augmented implementation ofsustainable building evaluation tools with promotion of manyrelevant greening policies and statutes in hopes of effectivelycombining “building” with “cities” to effectively reduce climatewarming in urban environments and thereby protect the quality oflife and ecological environments in cities.Many cities have adoptedgreening of building facades as a means of effectively increasingurban greening. According to Tokyo city government statistics [30](Tokyo Environment 2008, p. 62), as of March 2008, 89 hectares ofrooftop greening had been approved, which constitutes a moreeffective greening policy than the previous method of increasingurban public park green area. Countries that have currentlyimplemented related building three-dimensional greening include,aside fromWestern countries, the Asian countries of Singapore [16]and Japan [4,23e25,30e46]; mainland China has also establishedrelevant rooftop greening technology standards and policies inShanghai [47,48] and Hong Kong [17] in recent years (Table 3)[26,49e56].3. Methodology3.1. Research framework and hypothesesThe aim of this paper is to examine the impact of building spaceenvironment greening on the urban real estate market. Theresearch framework of this paper (Fig. 1) was established based onthe literature analysis described above; seven relevant hypotheses are to be empirically confirmed. The research hypotheses of thispaper are described below.3.1.1. The impact of building space environment greening designand greening promotion implementation methods on greeningbenefits and urban greening design policyAccording to Taiwan domestic research [6,9,11], appropriatelyincreasing urban greening or reducing surface impermeability andthe artificial structure ratio facilitates the alleviation of the urbanheat island effect. Studies have also found that planting greeninghas the effect of alleviating urban warming. Three-dimensional orcomprehensivemethods of greening can efficiently reduce the heatload on environments; greening methods constitute the lowest-cost method of reducing temperatures. Research related to three-dimensional greening in Japan, Singapore [16], and Hong Kong[17] shows that three-dimensional greening can improve overallurban environments, promote physical and mental well-being,bring economic benefits to buildings, and reduce global warming.Aside from adopting compulsory implementation, Japan has alsoincorporated planting greening and three-dimensional greeninginto the CASBEE evaluation system. Singapore, on the other hand,combined greening and environmental construction early on in itsdevelopment as a primary goal for national development. AlthoughTaiwan has not yet independently established greening-relatedstandards, regulations related to urban design, building tech-nology regulations, building base greening design standards, andgreen building are incorporated in the EEWH system. However,these regulations are not compulsory standards.Consequently, this study presents Hypotheses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 asdescribed below. With regard to Hypothesis 7 (H7): relevant liter-ature and research have not directly asserted a clear associationbetween greening implementation promotion method andbuilding space environment greening design, and so this studyhypothesizes that these two variables are correlated. Hypothesis 1 (H1). Building space environment greening designhas a significant positive impact on greening benefit.Hypothesis 2 (H2). Building space environment greening designhas a significant positive impact on urban greening design policy.Hypothesis 3 (H3). Greening benefit has a significant positiveimpact on urban greening design policy.Hypothesis 4 (H4). Greening promotion implementation methodhas a significant and positive impact on urban greening designpolicy.Hypothesis 7 (H7).
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