
    DESIGN and ENVIRONMENT  Product design is the principal part and kernel of industrial design. Product design gives uses pleasure. A good design can bring hope and create new lifestyle to human.

        In spscificity,products are only outcomes of factory such as mechanical and electrical products,costume and so on.In generality,anything,whatever it is tangibile or intangible,that can be provided for a market,can be weighed with value by customers, and can satisfy a need or desire,can be entiled as products.49030

        Innovative design has come into human life. It makes product looking brand-new and brings new aesthetic feeling and attraction that are different from traditional products. Enterprose tend to renovate idea of product design because of change of consumer's lifestyle , emphasis on inpiduation and self-expression,market competition and requirement  of inpiduation of product. 

        Product design includes factors of society ,economy, techology and leterae humaniores.

        Tasks of product design includes styling, color, face processing and selection of material and optimization of human-machine interface.

        Design is a kind of thinking of lifestyle.Product and design conception can guide human lifestyle . In reverse , lifestyle also manipulates orientation and development of product from thinking layer.

        With the development of science and technology ,more and more attention is paid to austerity of environmental promblems ,such as polluting of atmosphere,destroy of forest, soilerosion,land desertification, water resource polluting, a great deal of species becaming extinct,exhansting of petroleum , natural gas and coal and so on . A designer should have a strong consciousness of protecting environment and to make his\her design to be based on avoiding destroying environment and saving natural recourse.

        Nowadays ,greenhouse effects,destroyed ozone layers and acid rain are three global environmental questions.

        Greenhouse effect is phenomena of the atmosphere becoming warmer . The forming principle of greenhouse effect is that the Sun short wave radiation can penetrate into ground through atmosphere ,long wave radiation emitted from ground after ground is warmed ,is absorbed by carbon dioxide of atmosphere , and then atmosphere gets warmer.The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changes the earth to a large greenhouse like a thick layer of glass . Methane ,ozone,chlorine,Fluorine, hydrocarbon and aqueous vapor also make some contribution to greenhouse effects. With rapid increase of population and rapid development of industry ,more and more carbon dioxide of atmosphere enters into atmosphere. Because forest is cun down in a large amount also ,carbon dioxide increases gradally ,and the greenhouse effects are strengthened constantly .The results of the greenhouse effects are very serious. The great changes will take place in the natural ecology ,such as desert expanding ,land corroding aggravating, forest retreating to the polarregion, calamity of drought and waterlog  serious and rainfall increasing. The temperate zone will be wetter in water and will be droughtier in summer . Tropical zone will become wetter and subtropical zone will become more arid . All of these above will forces the existing irrigation works to be adjusted. Coastal regions will be threatened seriously .Because the temperature is rising , ice-cubes will be melted at the two poles so to the sea level will be rising and a lot of cities and ports will be submerged.

        The ozone layer destroyed shocked academia and the whole international aommunity .American scientists,Monila and Rowland , pointed out that it is human activities bring ozone hole of today . arch-criminal that we now well know is freon and Kazakhstan dragon. 

        Acid rain has already become a kind of air pollution phenomenon in extensive range,crossing over national boundaries at present. Acid rain destroys soil, makes lake acid and endangers growing of abimals and plants. It also stimulates people's skin, brings out the skin disease, causes lung hydronces, lung harden ,and corrodes the metal product,paint ,leather, fabrics and building with carbonate .

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