
    requires an engineer to consider the manufacturing process of the designed product in the
    development phase. A good design of the product is unable to go to the market if its
    manufacturing process is impossible or too expensive.  Integration of process simulation, rapid
    prototyping and manufacturing can reduce the risk associated with moving from CAD to CAM
    and further enhance the validity of the product development.   
    3. Importance of Computer Aided Injection Mould Design   
    The injection moulding design task can be highly complex. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
    analysis tools provide enormous advantages of enabling design engineers to consider virtuallyandpart, mould and injection parameters without the real use of any manufacturing and
    time. The possibility of trying alternative designs or concepts on the computer screen gives the
    engineers the opportunity to eliminate potential problems before beginning the real production.
    Moreover, in virtual environment, designers can quickly and easily asses the sensitivity of specific
    moulding parameters on the quality and manufacturability of the final product.  All theseCAE
    tools enable all these analysis to be completed in a meter of days or even hours, rather than weeks
    or months needed for the real experimental  trial and error cycles.  As CAE is used in the early
    design of part, mould and moulding parameters, the cost savings are substantial not only because
    of best functioning part and time savings but also the shortens the time needed to launch the
    product to the market.   
    The need to meet set tolerances of plastic part ties in to all aspects of the moulding process,
    including part size and shape, resin chemical structure, the fillers used, mould cavity layout, gating
    mould cooling and the release mechanisms used.  Given this complexity, designers often use
    computer design tools, such as finite element analysis (FEA) and mould filling analysis (MFA), to
    reduce development time and cost.  FEA determines strain, stress and deflection in a part by
    dividing the structure into small elements where these parameters can be well defined. MFA
    evaluates gate position and size to optimize resin flow.  It also defines placement of weld lines,
    areas of excessive stress, and how wall and rib thickness affect flow.  Other finite element design
    tools include mould cooling analysis for temperature distribution, and cycle time and shrinkage
    analysis for dimensional control and prediction of frozen stress and warpage.   
    The CAE analysis of compression moulded parts is shown in Figure 1. The analysis cycle starts
    with the creation of a CAD model and a finite element mesh of the mould cavity.  After the
    injection conditions are specified, mould filling, fiber orientation, curing and thermal history,
    shrinkage and warpage can be simulated. The material properties calculated by the simulation can
    be used to model the structural behaviour of the part. If required, part design, gate location and
    processing conditions can be modified in the computer until an acceptable part is obtained. After
    the analysis is finished an optimized part can be produced with reduced weldline (known also Machining of the moulds was formerly done manually, with a toolmaker checking each cut. This
    process became more automated with the growth and widespread use of computer numerically
    controlled or CNC machining centres. Setup time has also been significantly reduced through the
    use of special software capable of generating cutter paths directly from a CAD data file. Spindle
    speeds as high as 100,000 rpm provide further advances in high speed machining.  Cutting
    materials have demonstrated phenomenal performance without the use of any cutting/coolant fluid
    whatsoever. As a result, the process of machining complex cores and cavities has been
  1. 上一篇:钢棒多步拉丝工艺仿真英文参考文献和翻译
  2. 下一篇:注塑模具的设计与热分析英文文献和翻译
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