
    12 3D model of the saddlesheet metalFig. 13 The flexible die withblank-holder at theperipheryFig. 14 The saddle sheet metal formedby the multi-point pressing andforming sheet technology5ConclusionThe experimental results show that poles flexible diehas good capability of reconfiguration. It can be usedto form sheet metal parts with the thickness rangedfrom 0.5 to 6 mm. The die has obvious advantagesin middle-small batch of curved sheet metal forming.And it achieves multi-purpose only by using one die.Simultaneously the die solves the problem of wrinkle insheet metal forming with combining the process of “themulti-point pressing and forming sheet”.Cover sheets are widely applied in the industry of avi-ation, aerospace, vehicle, ship and engineering machin-ery. Usually, dies of cover sheets may spend high devel-oping cost and long manufacturing cycle. The reconfig-urable die can reduce the manufacturing cost, shortenmanufacturing time and improve the competitivenessof products on the market.References[1] Li Heng, Yang He, Zhan Mei et al. A review of re-search on wrinkling in thin-walled parts plastic form-ing processes [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science andTechnology, 2004, 23(7): 837-841 (in Chinese).[2] Prrk R. Wrinkling of tubes in bending from finitestrain three-dimensional continuum theory [J]. Inter-national Journal of Solids and Structures, 2002, 39(3):709-723.[3] KawkaM,KakitaT. Simulation of multi-step sheetmetal forming processing by a static explicit FEM code[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 1998,80(8): 123-133.[4] Liu Hong-wen. Shell theory [M]. Hangzhou: ZhejiangUniversity Press, 1988 (in Chinese).[5] Li Ming-zhe, Cai Zhong-yi, Cui Xiang-ji. Multi-pointforming—A new flexible forming process for sheetmetal [J]. Metal Forming Technology, 2002, 20(6): 82-86 (in Chinese).[6] Li Shuo-ben. Stamping process theory and new tech-nology [M]. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2002(in Chinese).[7] Daniel F W, Jean F H, John M P. Using recon-figurable tooling and surface heating for incremen-tal forming of composite aircraft parts [J]. Journal ofManufacturing Science and Engineering, 2003, 125(3):333-343.[8] Song Ai-ping, Yi Hong, Tang Wen-cheng, et al.Theprocess of pressing and forming sheet inside die andpoles flexible die [J]. Journal of Southeast University,2006, 36(5): 705-710 (in Chinese).[9] Wang X, Jian C. On the prediction of side-wall wrin-kling in sheet metal forming processes [J]. Interna-tional Journal of Mechanical Science, 2002, 42(12):2369-2394.[10] Xu W L. A simplified method of wrinkling simulation[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2002,121(1): 19-22.[11] Lancaster E R, Calladine C R, Palmer S C.Paradoxical wrinkling behavior of a thin cylindricalshell under axial compression [J]. International Jour-nal of Mechanical Science, 2000, 42(3): 843-865.[12] Wang X, Jian C. On the prediction of side-wall wrin-kling in sheet metal forming processes [J]. Interna-tional Journal of Mechanical Science, 2002, 42(12):2369-2394.
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