
    weld, hot pass welding and for most of the fill welding phase, it
    is not ideal for the final fill layer and for the capping operation.This is because the laser sensor works on the principle of detect-
    ing physical features of the weld joint. By the time the capping
    layer is made, the physical features, such as the top edges of the
    joint, may have been deformed and may not be found reliably. To
    ensure reliable capping, a line tracking system(LTS) can be used.
    To enable the line tracking system, a line is made on the sur-
    face of the part being welded. This line is made automatically
    during the root pass. It is a fixed distance from the root of the
    weld. The two common methods of making the line are by paint
    (or ink) and by machining. In either case, the object is to pro-
    duce a narrow well defined line, typically 1–2 mm wide, which is
    constant in width and is a constant distance from the root of the
    weld joint. This line can then be used as a reference for the ho-
    rizontal positioning relative to the root. Not only can this be used
    in welding the joint automatically, it can also act as a permanent
    reference and can be useful in post welding operations, such as
    ultrasonic testing.
    In the systems described here, the line acts as a secondary in-
    formation source during fill welding but as a primary information
    source during automatic cap welding when the laser sensor is not
    considered reliable enough.摘要:本文介绍了目前最新一代压力容器和造船系统。典型压力容器和造船焊接接头剖面要么是传统的V槽,对接,要么角槽或狭窄间隙或半窄间隙分布的概要文件。圆角和U形槽是普遍使用的重工业和造船中,并融化或加入到零件中。因为壁厚最厚可达到6英寸,或者更厚,所以必须焊接许多层,每一层包含若干焊接路径。然而,对于传统的焊接过程,如埋弧焊(SAW)和管状焊条电弧焊(药芯焊丝电弧焊) 需要很长的焊接时间。
    关键字 自适应焊接   多传感器数据融合  焊缝跟踪  焊接过程控制
    1 引言
    不仅在一个零件与另一个零件之间,可以看到焊缝形状和面积发生的显著变化,而且在相同的零件也存在。 例如,如果两个圆柱是因粘着性焊接在一起,而不是在焊接之前准确的布置,焊缝的形状和面积将按可预测的方式在部件的外周周围发生变化。这些变化就意着,该传感器系统必须不仅能够进行焊缝跟踪,而且还要能够对复杂的过程进行控制。虽然,自适应焊接已经使用了一段时间,而且得到好的生产业绩,但还没有成功地应用到一个如此复杂的应用程序中。
  1. 上一篇:机械设计制造及其自动化英文参考文献和翻译
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