
      For the process parameter design problem of an MIMO production process, many researchers have developed and employed different optimization schemes for determining the optimal design and process parameters for polymer processing [18–21]. However, for many MIMO production processes, the researchers usually make the multi-objective problems into single-objective optimization problems and apply ANN and evolutionary algorithms to attain the final optimal process parameter settings. In the studies mentioned above, Deng et al. [18] applied GA to optimize injection molding process conditions with user-definable objective functions. They implemented a modified simple weighting method to deal with multi-objective optimization, in which the objective functions can be defined with different criteria and/or weight vectors according to the designers’ preference. Huang et al. [19] presented an approach for determining parameter values in melt spinning processes to yield optimal qualities of denier and tenacity in as-spun fibers. The experimental data determined by an orthogonal array in the Taguchi method are adopted to train a neural network by an analysis of variance. The genetic algorithm is aimed at finding parameter values in a continuous solution space to optimize a performance measure on denier and tenacity qualities, based on the neural network. Hsu et al. [20] presented an integrated approach using neural networks, exponential desirability functions, and genetic algorithms to optimize parameter design problems with multiple responses. The proposed approach aims to identify the input parameter settings to maximize the overall minimal satisfaction level with respect to all the responses. In their optimization procedure, the trade-off solutions obtained by using the predefined strategy would be sensitive to the weight factors chosen in converting the multi-objective to a single objective function. Castro et al. [21] used an approach comprising computer simulation, ANN, and data envelopment analysis to determine the proper operating conditions for finding the best compromise among several conflicting performance measures. The approach they presented also allowed for the identification of robust variable settings that might help to define a starting point for negotiation between multiple decision makers.
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