
    A variable displacement type pistonpump discharges different flowrate by changing swashplate angle, namely the flowrate is approximatelyproportional to the swash plate angle. Therefore, thechange characteristics of flowrate are the same of thesetwo types piston pump.References1. Yang YS, Nie SL, Zhu YQ (2007) Reaction thrust of submergedwater jets. Pro Instn Mech Engrs Part A J Power Energy221:565–5742. Wachel JC, Price SM (1988) Understanding how pulsation ac-cumulators work. Am Soc Mech Eng Petrol Div 14:23–313. Abd-EI-Tawwab Ali M (2007) Twin accumulator semi activesuspension system with preview control. J Freq Noise Vib ActControl 26:283–2934. Yang ZJ, He QH, Liu B (2004) Dynamic characteristics of hy-draulic power steering system with accumulator in load-haul-dump vehicle. J Cent South Univ Tech 11:451–4565. Xie PA, Wang Q (2000) Study on attenuation of fluid-bornepulsation using accumulator. Noise Vib Control 8:2–56. Quan LX, Kong XD, Gao YJ (2007) Theory and experiment ofaccumulator absorbing pressure pulsation without regard to itsentrance characteristics. Chin J Mech Eng 43:28–327. Wang HL, Lu JB (2004) The circuit disposition and analysis ofabsorbing pressure pulsation by accumulator. Fluid PowerTransmission Control 8:20–218. Luo X, Shi Z, Hu J (2011) ‘‘Semi-active accumulator absorbingpressure pulsation in high-pressure water-jet propulsion system’’,pro. instn mech. engrs Part C. J Mech Eng Sci 225:2052–20619. Galal Rabie M (2007) On the application of oleo-pneumatic ac-cumulators for the protection of hydraulic transmission linesagainst water hammer-a theoretic study. Int J Fluid Power8:39–4910. Shinichi Yokota, Hisashi Somada, Hirotugu Yamaguchi (1994)Study on an active accumulator. Trans Jpn Soc Mech Eng Part B60:484–49011. Lei TJ (1985) Manual of hydraulic engineering. Mechanical In-dustry, Beijing, pp 1701–170212. Wen DS (1993) Swashplate axial piston pump. Mechanical In-dustry, Beijing, pp 34–35Fig. 9 Pressure pulsation curves in experiment without accumulatorsFig. 8 Pressure pulsation curves in experiment with accumulators
    关键字:流量脉动压力 脉动蓄电池 水泵高压 喷水推进系统
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