
    4 Conclusion 
          After a century in both the arts and sciences extension and development of modern American landscape architecture has its own characteristics in their social and ecological scale and traditional garden set aside the watershed, in the constant expansion and change has becomethe values of a perse multi-professional practice.However, the nature of human perception of the media, three potential concern for landscape architecture - aesthetic, environmental and social, in the United States in the development of modern landscape architecture, and not weakened over time, on the contrary, emphasized the human landscapeharmony with nature, emphasizing social justice embodied in the landscape, emphasizing the spiritual landscape in the joy of the people want more and more clear as the cornerstone of which constitute its value system.From small scale to large garden courtyard and street-scale national parks, the care of their value in practice may be different emphasis, but each design is a good balance of these three values and comprehensive, not just design-orienteda simple form or function to meet.Today, as China's economic development, our city building and landscape design and practice into a high-speed development period, but the competent departments of landscape architecture education, integrated with the mess and ignored the separation of landscape architectural practice so that we kaleidoscopereality that can not be sure what we are or how we should call ourselves architects, landscape architects, environmental designers?Shallow emerging formalized, the lack of real concern for people and the environment arbitrary landscape design, landscape architecture, deeply reflects the value of our concern for poor and pale, in our landscape architecture are still full of confusion and chaos whenU.S. founder of modern landscape architecture, Olmsted, and many American pioneer of modern landscape architecture theme insists - to create sustainable, and his life and just the landscape, and give a clear idea as to imagine thatform, may be able to give us much encouragement and inspiration.The thrust of modern landscape architecture in the United States to pursue a century, may be the same with us into the modern landscape architecture in the next century.
    美国现代景观建筑学发展的回顾与思索   1引言 新世纪到底来了,世纪之交,百年替换乃至千年替换其实都在一瞬间,在这一瞬之后,美国现代景观建筑学专业也走过了一个不平凡的世纪。在逝去的百余年里,美国现代景观建筑学的产生与发展引导了现代景观建筑学的走向,并且几乎涵盖了所有的探索。因此我们希望通过对其的回顾和思考,能有所启示和借鉴。  2拓展    工业革命给社会带来的变革巨大而深远,到了 19世纪,被称为"美国景观建筑学之父"的 F. L. Olmsted和英国建筑师 Vaux 设计的纽约中央公园(1858年)的建造,标志着普通人生活景观的到来。以此为起点,景观建筑学从此走上独立的道路,并随着美国社会的现代和民主进程,逐渐从传统的极少选择范围的专业变成为几乎涉及人类生活世界所有尺度的学科;在短短扎一个多世纪中,人类的景观体验在几个文度上大大拓展了。
  1. 上一篇:互联网的注射模具智能设计系统外文文献和中文翻译
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