
    The case retrieval process will be simultaneously speeded up by restricting the research space into a subgroup of designs.     5. Summary   In this paper, a fuzzy-rough approach for stamping die design knowledge discovery is proposed. It’s an attempt to mine die design knowledge from various resources, including existent successful die designs, journal papers and so on. The knowledge mining module can work together with convectional RBR or CBR system and improve their performance.   References  [1] Cheok, B.T., A.Y.C. Nee, Trends and developments in the automation of design and manufacture of tools for metal stampings. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 1998. 75(1-3): p. 240-252. [2] Tang, D.B., L. Zheng, Z.Z. Li, An intelligent feature-based design for stamping system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2001.  18(3): p. 193-200. [3] Tor, S.B., G.A. Britton, W.Y. Zhang, Indexing and Retrieval in Metal Stamping Die Design Using Case-based Reasoning. Journal of Computing and information Science in Engineering, 2003. 3(4): p. 353~362. [4] Park, C.-S., I. Han, A case-based reasoning with the feature weights derived by analytic hierarchy process for bankruptcy prediction. Expert Systems with Applications, 2002. 23(3): p. 255-264. [5] Salomons, O.W., F.J.A.M. Van Houten, H.J.J. Kals, Review of research in feature-based design. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 1993. 12(2): p. 113-132. [6] Chang, H.C., et al., Indexing and retrieval in machining process planning using case-based reasoning. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 2000. 14(1): p. 1. [7] Hongji, L., Basic fuzzy mathematics with applied algorithm. 2005, Beijing: Science Publisher. [8] Cao, G., S.C.K. Shiu, X. Wang, A fuzzy-rough approach for the maintenance of distributed case-based reasoning systems. Soft Computing, 2003. 7(8): p. 491-499. [9] Pawlak, Z., Decision rules, Bayes' rule and rough sets, in New Directions In Rough Sets, Data Mining, And Granular-Soft Computing. 1999. p. 1-9. [10] Fdez-Riverola, F., F. Diaz, J.M. Corchado, Applying rough sets reduction techniques to the construction of a fuzzy rule base for case based reasoning. Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2004. 9th Ibero-American Conference on AI. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol.3315), 2004: p. 83-92. [11] Øhrn, A., Discernibility and Rough Sets in Medicine: Tools and Applications, in Department of Computer and Information Science. 1999, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Trondheim.      ¯
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