
    Gumstix® Verdex [GUM09] represented in Figure 3.14 with wireless module and antenna, 2-axis accelerometer and gyroscope, Lith-ium-polymer battery pack, voltage converters for 3, 5, and 6 volts for the electron-ics, and binary sensor contacts (Figure 3.15). In order to decrease the weight of  the robot, some servos from the “Robonova 1” arms have been removed during the robot hardware tuning, and the connection between the segments at those points is made with screws instead. The final S2-HuRo robot appears as seen in Figure 3.13. 3.5   Humanoid Robot Demonstrator - S2-HuRo (Self Stabilizing Humanoid Robot) 21 When comparing the robots shown in Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13, differences in robot modifications can easily be spotted. By looking at the top view of the ro-bots, the robot (Figure 3.13) (c) the two axis accelerometer sensors can be spotted under the robot’s head. In the backside figures (Figure 3.13) (d) and (e) of the S2-HuRo, the case of the embedded Gumstix® Verdex system can be seen along with the wireless antenna next to the case.  On the robot’s feet Lithium-polymer batteries can be spotted – two batteries per foot. The relatively light weight 5Wh LiION rechargeable batteries used by  S2-HuRo for servo and electronics power supply are the same batteries used by  E-pucks robots [EPU09]. The voltage from the batteries is further down-regulated by integrated voltage convertors to be compatible with the voltage operating range of the servos, Microcontroller AtMega “MRC-3024” board, and the additional electronics. The batteries are located on the robot’s feet so the center of gravity of the robot is lowered and this increases the dynamic stability of the robot.   Fig. 3.15 Schematic view of binary contact sensors by the S2-HuRo feet – bottom.
    3.1 介绍

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