
     The sensor nodes are powered from onboard batteries and the coordinator also allows to be powered from an external power supply determined by a jumper.
    C.  Node Software Design
     The application system consists of a coordinator and several end devices. The general structure of the code in each is the same, with an initialization followed by a main loop.
     The software flow of coordinator, upon the coordinator being started, the first action of the application is the initialization of the hardware, liquid crystal, stack and application variables and opening the interrupt. Then a network will be formatted. If this net has been formatted successfully, some network information, such as physical address, net ID, channel number will be shown on the LCD. Then program will step into application layer and monitor signal. If there is end device or router want to join in this net, LCD will shown this information, and show the physical address of applying node, and the coordinator will allocate a net address to this node. If the node has been joined in this network, the data transmitted by this node will be received by coordinator and shown in the LCD.
     The software flow of a sensor node, as each sensor node is switched on, it scans all channels and, after seeing any beacons, checks that the coordinator is the one that it is looking for. It then performs a synchronization and association. Once association is complete, the sensor node enters a regular loop of reading its sensors and putting out a frame containing the sensor data. If sending successfully, end device will step into idle state; by contrast, it will collect data once again and send to coordinator until sending successfully.
    D.  Greenhouse Monitoring Software Design
    We use VB language to build an interface for the test and this greenhouse sensor network software can be installed and launched on any Windows-based operating system. It has 4 dialog box selections: setting controlling conditions, setting Timer, setting relevant parameters and showing current status. By setting some parameters, it can perform the functions of communicating with port, data collection and data viewing.
    ZigBee无线传感器网络在环境监测中的应用 论文网
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