
    (4) Now most of the pressure on the trip, and not adjusting. the class into be most disadvantageous to mould it. class into its own structure, usually in the report of the ram guide pillar, not to separate, to ensure security. the itinerary of 200 points under the pressure for 50 ~ 80mm of course, the best it can be adjusted according to the entry requirements. the pressure of the domestic products, meet the requirements or not. some of the new high at times of machine tools and.

    2.2 Of metals in the specifications and requirements
    Into touch at the level of the system is a variety of processes a series of course, in the direction of the mold into a considerable size. this material for stamp out the measure of standard rent precision, and made some relative strict of quantity request. this is reflected in several areas:
    (1) Hope that the material is the long roll. after cutting wide tolerance is often less than 3 2mm and can't have the obvious defects of his waiting.
    (2) In order to ensure that the parts in size and shape of an error is better consistency and material with a high precision and more uniform thickness of mechanical properties. in particular have buckling and make the parts, if material, the thickness of the material hard and soft state from the material for head to tail, middle, and not even a relatively rolled direction anisotropy it looks crooked, when all errors, the length will be a great error and.And many parts of the same difficulties, will have to line and rolled buckling direction parallel in buckling line prone to crack.

    2.3 Level in the course of processing equipment is required to mold
    Level in the process by the relatively higher requirement for the use of foreign bed and take care of the grinding machine, etc, domestic  most manufacturers did not have the advanced of high-precision and detection of a processing.In such circumstances, we think that will appeal to a positive development of production, the higher accuracy and (not the end is the most advanced), moderate price of grinding tool grinding out of bed, for precise work tools, and the other hand, the die design, manufacture, should be based on existing local conditions and facilities for production has conceptual change, development levels in the course of production. in the present stage, the design should pay attention to the production process in the choice of.
    A modal forms of choice is quite simple, usually can adopt to try to avoid the roots, with the lobes on the way, that will help facilitate processing linear cutting, check the accuracy with powerpoint. if necessary, with a grinding tool grinding precise.
    For flexible, the problem is more complicated. in the conventional design rules, the level in the course of structural forms can be pided into the overall style, with a set of comprehensive, in a style of work of high precision, its structure. perspective, or together in a comprehensive nature could not argue with the advantages. but this kind of the modal to success and develop its advantages, there is a basic condition is a must be worn bed with a coordinate sphere or high precision tool grinding technology processed.
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