
    Piiot test procedure The research was performed in Tampere, Finland at the Metso Minerals Research Center using an HP200 cone crush- er. Feed was introduced into a surge bin by a loader, where it was drawn out by a variable-speed pan feeder. The feed was transferred by two conveyors with variable speed drive, which, along with two belt scales after the crusher, was used to ensure the correct throughput was achieved. A crusher feed hopper with deflector was used to ensure homogenous. centered feed to the crusher (Fig. 2). This study can be separated into three groups of testing: base tests, fixed tonnage tests and feed size dis tribution effect tests. The base tests were used to mea sure the crusher's maximum production capacity for a given eccentric speed. The fixed tonnage tests simulated operating conditions where the feed rate to the crushe is limited below the maximum capacity based on the base eccentric speed and CSS. The third set of tests uti lized a different feed size in order to verify results of the fixed tonnage tests; the reduced top size of the feed effectively minimized the effect of top size particles pos sibly being inhibited from entering the crushing cavity. The tests in each group used the same, homogenou feed of known characteristics, with a feed sample being taken approximately every fourth test for verification All crusher discharge belt cut samples were taken using accepted sampling standards, with discharge samples being collected for every test. Crusher adjustment ring vibration and countershaft speeds were measured and recorded, along with crusher power draw, both average and instantaneous peaks and valleys. The throughput o each test was taken from two cahbrated belt scales and from belt cut sample weight. Pictures and videos were taken during each test to visually record cavity levels and flow through the chamber. An open circuit configuration was used in every tes to ensure consistent feed properties. A local volcanite of known properties (medium-hard hardness, medium density) and specific size fractions was used for all tests The crusher was set up with a smooth liner configu ration; a stepped hner profile is common for second ary crushers, but these profiles can result in a situation where particles can have difficulty passing a step if the speed is at a critical point. The tests were completed over a four-day period. At every step, care was taken to ensure homogenous feed conditions and fixed testing parameters (outside of the eccentric speed). For the base tests, a coarse feed of an approximate size of 90 X 25 mm (3.5 x 1 in.) was used for testing. Th base tests were run at two different closed side settings one near the minimum setting, 19 mm (0.7 in.), and an- other near a typical secondary crusher operating setting of 32 mm (1.25 in.). Eight tests were run at a CSS of 32 mm (1.25 in.), with each test operating at a differen countershaft speed. A consistent cavity level of 300 mm (12 in.) over the feed plate was used over the course of the eight tests. This procedure was repeated with a 19-mm (0.7-in.) CSS at five speeds determined from results of the first set of tests, as well as one test each at a 25-mm (1-in.) and a 16-mm (0.6-in.) CSS to be used for comparison with fixed tonnage tests.
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