
     Figure 1.  Hydraulic Support Test Bench
    Lower PLC control system is obtaining test parameters, test process from the position supervisory system, automatic control. In addition, it is also responsible for data collection and transmission work.
     Figure 2 .  Cyclic loading process of FIG
    Test procedure    Valve 1    Valve 2    Valve 3    Valve 4
    First Support    Break    Break    Break    Power ups
    Booster    Break    Power ups    Break    Break
    Packing    Break    Break    Break    Break
    Unloading    Power ups    Break    Power ups    Break
    Figure 1.  Test logical order
    Figure 3.  Computer Control System Architecture
    According to the needs analysis, using modular design of the monitoring system design software. Modular design approach is to pide a sophisticated software into several functional modules [3], respectively, independent design, programming and commissioning, and finally integrated. The advantage of this approach is: Each module features a single, programming, debug, modify and update convenience, module versatile, strong combination of capability, ease of system extensions. Monitoring system software architecture is shown in Figure 4.
    Figure 4.  Monitoring system software agency
    Function of the module of Monitoring System software components are as follows:
    (1) Test preparation module. Before the test, the first state is to debug a good test to prepare for the trial to proceed smoothly, and the process is completed by the test preparation module;
    (2) Data processing module. It is primarily responsible for the digital filter data, scale transformation, storage and interface display;
    (3) The timing module. Set primarily responsible for the sampling period, and the calculation dwell time and unloading time;
    (4) Parameter setting module. Responsible for test parameters (such as the rated working pressure, pressure ratio, the total number of tests, etc.), hydraulic support information and operator information, setup work;
    (5) Communication module. Primarily responsible for sending and receiving the test data, and using FCS check to ensure the reliability of the data.
    2 control system hardware development
       In accordance with the requirements of security, timeliness and reliability, we carried out the hardware selection. Selection of the main Advantech IPC-610-H IPC, Siemens S7-200 CPU226, analog input module EM231, EM223 digital expansion modules and a pressure sensor KYB18. Other equipment displays, printers and power supply and so on.
       Since the pressure sensor output is a current signal 4~20mA, so analog input module EM231 should correct wiring according to the signal type (current or voltage). And before the EM231 access circuit, it needs to be configured and calibrated.
       PLC via the output switch signal control solenoid valve off, but the potential difference due to the interference of factors such as industrial production and external electromagnetic field presence is likely to cause malfunction of the actuator, and may even cause damage to the PLC, and therefore with a relay as the drive and an intermediate device isolation by switching signal PLC output to control a relay coil, use the normally open and normally closed contacts to control the solenoid valve off. Wiring diagram shown in Figure 5.
       In order to reduce the adverse impact on system interference data signal acquisition, based on the analysis of sources of interference, we have taken various effective anti-jamming measures.
    3 control system software development
       As a visual programming tool for Windows environment, VB6.0 in development monitoring system has a user-friendly and convenient programming and other unique advantages. Developed using VB6.0 PC monitoring software, it has a good user interface, flexible and convenient parameter setting; data show the visual image, easy to operate test personnel a comprehensive understanding of the state; with automatic and manual control mode, when the test station appear fault, manual mode debugging; with fault alarm sound and light, and can achieve stop atresia.
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