
    quencies for flatness control therefore render static transfer
    functions sufficient. Thickness (gauge) control systems, on the
    other hand, operate at much higher frequencies and require
    attention to the dynamic response. To account for the dynamic
    nature of the rolling operation when calculating the strip
    thickness profile, measured values of rolling parameters are
    continually applied to the static model in order to update the
    steady-state thickness profile response. Themethod to predict
    strip profile presented in this work employs a global stiffness-
    based linear system, and can therefore, if required, be used
    together with an appropriate mass matrix to predict dynamic
    responses of the rolling mill using well-known methods.
    3. A new method to calculate strip crown
    Presented is a new technique to model the static deflection
    of the rolling mill components and compute the strip thick-
    ness profile. The new method combines the conventional
    finite element method with analytical solid mechanics and
    is applicable to cluster-type mill configurations such as the
    20-high Sendzimir mill. In addition, it accommodates the摘要:
  1. 上一篇:注射模设计的三维模型英文文献和翻译
  2. 下一篇:污水处理工艺氧化沟英文文献和中文翻译
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