
    5.4 Some remarks concerning the evaluation of the θ angle Because of PARC constitutive model is a fixed crack model, the stresses can be referred to the orthotropicaxes which remain fixed after cracking, Fig. 16(a). Stresses in concrete struts are due to axial compressive
    stresses along 2 direction, axial tensile stresses along 1 direction and tangential stresses due to aggregate interlock phenomena. In the perspective of the variable inclination angle, the inclination θ of concrete struts coming from Eurocode 2 formulations, has been compared with the inclination of principal direction of stresses (σI and σII) of cracked concrete, Fig. 16(b).
    In Fig. 17 the elements used to calculate θ value are represented. In Table 6 the values of strut inclination obtained with experimental tests (Levi and Marro, 1992), θexp, with Eurocode 2 formulations (EN 1992- 1-1: 2004), θEC2, and with NLFEA results, θfem are reported.
    5.5 Some remarks concerning the evaluation of the coefficient αc For PC60B1 the coefficient αc,fem has been calculated from the NLFEA analyses as: αc,fem = Vconcrete/VR,c (14)In Table 7 the values of this coefficient evaluated with Eurocode 2 (EN 1992-1-1: 2004) prescriptions, αc, and NLFEA results, αfem, for PC30A1, PC60A2 and PC60B1 beams are reported. The value of compressive stresses due to prestressing are quite low for these beams, so a parametric study on PC60B1 beam is carried out by varying the applied prestressing force. This parametric study helps to evaluate the effects of high compressive stress values on shear capacity of beams. In Table 8 (Boiardi, 2008) the values of prestressign force considered are reported; it should be noted that in order to distinguish the applied prestressing force, the name of each beams contains a digit which
    represents the ratio of the applied prestressing force to the prestressing force of PC60B1. For example beam PC60B1(8/4) is a beam with a prestressing force which is the double of the prestressing force applied to PC60B1. The αfem values obtained with NLFE analyses by applying different values of prestressing force are reported in Table 8 and compared in Fig. 18 with
    the different formulations proposed for αc coefficient. It should be noted that the assumed prestressing forces values and consequently the assumed compressive stresses and σcp/fc ratios are those usual for reinforced concrete beams and correspond to the first branch of the three linear relation proposed by EC2 (EN 1992-1-1: 2004).
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