
    ble leakage flow. However, once the compressor  is up  to speed the faces separate
    leaving  a  very  small  gap.  The  size  of  the  gap  is very  critical  as  it  controls  the
    The main problem  associated with designing a  dry gas  seal  is calculating the
    forces on the seal faces during operation. The forces have to be known so that the
    seal faces can be designed  to open at the correct operation conditions and the clear-
    ance between the faces maintained at the required value. Under normal operating
    conditions  there  is a  force balance between  the separating forces and  the closing
    forces. Friction within the O-ring type seal, which is incorporated into dry gas seal
    design, plays an important role in the balance of forces, especially during the start
    up when the gap between faces is being created.  It is essential that the separating
    forces can overcome not only the closing forces but also the frictional force in the O-ring seal  located behind  the static face. Until  this force  is overcome  the seal  faces
    will  not come  apart.
    The present paper presents results of  experimental  studies [5] where  the primary
    objective  was to measure  the  frictional  force  in an O-ring  seal at the commencement
    of  linear motion  as a function  of  pressure using  a configuration  close  to that of  a dry
    gas seal. There have been a number of studies, mainly of  theoretical nature, on the
    O-ring  type seal. Green [6] used  the finite  element  method  to analyse  the behaviour
    of  an  elastomeric O-ring  seal  in  compression. The  state  of deformation of an
    unpressurised elastomeric O-ring seal inserted  into a rectangular groove was stud-
    ied by Dragoni [7,8]. Stress  fields in a  compressed unconstrained elastomeric O-
    ring seal were  investigated  by George  [9]. He compared  his computer model  predic-
    tions with experimental results.  All these studies have concentrated on the static
    performance  of  an O-ring  seal. Narumiga [10]  studied  an elliptically  deformed  seal-
    ing  ring for a shaft seal. Although  he considered  dynamic  conditions,  the emphasis
    was on  the state of  deformation  within  the O-ring  seal.
    It can be safely concluded  that  the public domain information about  the level
    of friction in an O-ring seal at  the moment when the shaft commences  its linear
    motion  is rather scarce. As the object of our study was a real, full-scale O-ring seal,
    interpretation of  the results  in  terms of  precedents, such as dry friction of  rubber or
    the  lubrication of elastomers, is practically impossible and will therefore not be
    attempted  in  this paper.
    2. Experimental  apparatus and procedures
    In order to  test the frictional performance of  the O-ring type seal under condi-
    tions similar to those encountered during operation of  the dry gas seal, a suitable
    apparatus was required. The main conditions  to be simulated  during  testing are as
    (i) unlubricated  contact between  seal and contacting  material,
    (ii) variable  pressure environment  with maximum  gauge  pressure of 10 MPa,
    (iii) minimal  leakage  through  the O-ring  seal,
    (iv)  linear motion  of  the shaft,
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