
    5    BIT Climber and Experimental Tests
       An SWCR prototype called “BIT Climber” was developed for test, its mechanical structure is shown in Fig 5.
       Fig. 5.    Exploded view of BIT Climber
    Considering the tradeoff of adsorption performance and controlling difficulty, b type, namely 2 driven wheels and 2 passive wheels as described in section 2.1, is used as locomotion mechanism. The robot uses a flexible rubber mat combined with a hair ring as sealing device. The rubber has big flow resistance, and its appropriate flexibility helps
    the robot to accommodate small obstacles in motion. The hair ring is an ascendant throttling device, it has powerful .
    For the purpose of designing a suitable impeller, the fluid environment where the robot works should be specified, after evaluation we set effective negative pressure to be 3 kPa, flow rate 0.02 m3/s. The method presented in section 4 is followed for impeller primary selection, simulation and analysis. Finally, an impeller, with D2 = 95 mm, D1 = 42 mm, B2 = 9.2 mm, B1 = 15 mm, β2A = 30,β1A = 15,Z = 9, is manufactured and mounted in the robot.
     Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of Bit Climber. The specifications are listed in Table 2. It was demonstrated that BIT Climber is able to move on various  wall  surfaces  to  perform  its  task,  the  working surfaces  include  brick,  glass,  metal,  stucco,  wood  and plaster, see Fig. 6
                                                  Fig 6. BIT Climber at work with a load of 59N
    The adsorption force Fa is 208 N, of which 9 N is Fss, 30 N is Fsp, the utilization rate of adsorption force is 81%. Average vacuum in the sucker is 2.94 kPa, electric power of impeller shaft is about 150 W, reaching a relatively high utilization rate of power of about 84%.

    6    Conclusions and Developing
    6.1  Conclusions
          (1)  The paper illustrates how mobile mechanism and pressure allocation for sealing device influence SWCR’s utilization rate of adsorption force, providing a theoretical basis for relevant parameters selection.
           (2) Suction system’s thermodynamics and hydrodynamics analysis is presented, which shows that reducing flow rate and improving the efficiency of impeller are directions for improving utilization rate of power.
          (3)  The  paper  comes  up  with  a  design  method  for SWCR-specific impeller, in which outlet installation angle and static pressure ratio are two key parameters that impact its aerodynamic performance.
          (4) Through development of prototype and experiments,
    conclusions above are verified. Future work focuses on the
    premise   of   good   maneuverability   and   adsorption
    performance,  how  to  reduce  flow  rate  to  save  power
     6.2  Developing
            Climbing robot is capable of operating in a vertical cliff robot , which serves as an automatic altitude limit job mechanical device , more and more people 's attention. To sum up, wall-climbing robot is mainly used for :
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