    Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITTs) are easy to use and have a quick response time. They are widely used for temperature measurement of the human body. The accuracy and uncertainty of measurement is the importance performance indicator for these meters. The performance of two infrared tympanic thermometers, Braun THT-3020 and OMRON MC-510, were evaluated in this study. The cell of a temperature calibrator was modified to serve as the standard temperature of the blackbody. The errors of measurement for the two meters were reduced by the calibration equation. The predictive values could meet the requirements of the ASTM standard. The sources of uncertainty include the standard deviations of replication at fixed temperature or the predicted values of calibration equation, reference standard values and resolution. The uncertainty analysis shows that the uncertainty of calibration equation is the main source for combined uncertainty. Ambient temperature did not have the significant effects on the measured performance. The calibration equations could improve the accuracy of ITTs. However, these equations did not improve the uncertainty of ITTs.23437
    Keywords: infrared tympanic thermometer, uncertainty, calibration equation
    Equipment that conducts, generates, or consumes power emits heat. Heat becomes a problem when current flow is excessive and temperatures rise beyond maximum specified values. At that point, you begin to see the threat of arcing, fires, power outages, insulation damage, and other situations that create hazards and downtime.论文网
    Harmonic current overload is a major source of excess heat. Harmonics exist where you have computers, adjustable speed drives, lighting ballasts, and other such nonlinear load equipment. You'll also find excess heat where you have faulty windings or connections; as well as many other conditions. Measuring temperature is an efficient and reliable way to anticipate or pinpoint problems in electrical circuits and equipment.
    Measurement of body temperature is one of the oldest known diagnostic methods and still remains an important indicator of health and disease, both in everyday life and in medical care. Sudan has endemic levels of many communicable diseases, such as malaria, which necessitate speedy, safe and accurate temperature measurement for screening for fever.
    By monitoring these critical temperatures, you can identify developing problems in time to take preventive action. The easier it is to do the monitoring, the more likely your team will do it. The harder it is to do, the less time busy plant technicians will find to do it. This is the argument for noncontact infrared (IR) temperature measurement. Consider, for example, how fast IR instruments are. You can take a measurement in one quarter of a second. This means you don't waste time waiting for thermocouples to stabilize.
    The "Cadillac" of such measurement is thermographic imaging (TI). TI, like a Cadillac, carries a premium price. And, like a Cadillac, it's not always the appropriate vehicle to take you where you need to go. Nor can everybody afford one. For much less money and much less training, the IR thermometer stands out as the tool of choice for most noncontact IR measurement tasks. These convenient point-and-shoot devices are fast, accurate, and efficient. Their technology has proven itself in over 40 years of use.
    Body temperature depends on the type of thermometer and the area of the body used for taking the measurement. Human body temperature varies depending on the site from which the reading was taken - these differences are actually no more than an approximation of the true value that is being estimated. Integration of thermal inputs occurs at numerous levels within the central nervous system, involving the spinal cord, neurons in the midbrain, reticular formation, and vagus, finally arriving at the hypothalamus which is the master thermoregulatory controller in mammals. Autonomic thermoregulatory control has five main contributors, the skin surface, deep abdominal and thoracic tissues, the spinal cord, the hypothalamus and other portions of the brain. Although the temperature measured by indwelling pulmonary artery catheters represents core body temperature, this method is invasive and unsuitable for most patients. Axillary thermometry is a non-invasive technique which reflects the body temperature and correlates with the rectal temperature. The use of mercury thermometers, especially glass mercury thermometers is not without hazard.
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