
    1.    reducing the response delay to steering input and action and
    2.    eliminating the vehicle's excessive reaction to steering input
    In essence, by providing the optimum solution to the phenomena researched by the two young Mazda engineers in the early sixties - by the method advocated by them - the 4WS system has emerged as a fully beneficial technology.
    Strategic Construction
    The Mazda 4WS consists of a rack-and-pinion front steering system that is hydraulically assisted by a twin-tandem pump main power source, with an overall steering ratio of 14.2:1. The rear wheel steering mechanism is also hydraulically assisted by the main pump and electronically controlled - according to the front steering angle and vehicle speed. The rear steering shaft extends from the rack bar of the front steering gear assembly to the rear steering-phase control unit.
    The rear steering system is comprised of the input end of the rear steering shaft, vehicle speed sensors, a steering-phase control unit (determining direction and degree), a power cylinder and an output rod. A centering lock spring is incorporated, which locks the rear system in a neutral (straightforward) position in the event of hydraulic failure. Additionally, a solenoid valve that disengages hydraulic assist (thereby activating the centering lock spring) in case of an electrical failure is included.
    The 4WS system varies the phase and ratio of the rear-wheel steering to the front wheels, according to the vehicle speed. It steers the rear wheels toward the opposite phase (direction) of the front wheel during speeds less than 35km/h (22mph) for a tighter turn and "neutralizes" them (to a straightforward direction, as in a conventional two-wheel steering principle) at 35km/h (22mph). Above that speed, the system steers toward the same phase-direction as the front wheels, thereby generating an increased cornering force for stability. The maximun steering angle of the rear wheels extends 5 degrees to either left or right, a measurement that Mazda has determined to be optimally effective and natural to human sensitivity.
    Primary Components
    1.    Vehicle speed sensors Interpret speedometer shelf revolutions and send signal to the electronic computer unit. two sensors, one within the speedometer and the other at the transmission output, are used to crosscheck the other for accuracy and failsafe measures.
    2.    Steering phase control unit* Conveys to the power steering cylinder booster valve the direction and stroke of rear wheel steering by the combined movement of the control yoke angle and bevel gear revolutions.
    3.    Electric stepper motor Performs altering of the yoke angle and bevel gear phasing
    4.    Rear steering shaft Transmits front wheel steering angle by turning the small bevel gear in the steering phase control unit, which rotates the main bevel gear in the assembly.
    5.    Control valve Feeds hydraulic pressure to the steering actuator, according to the phase and stroke required for appropriate rear wheel steering.
    6.    Hydraulic power cylinder Operates the output rod by hydraulic pressure and steers the rear wheels. It locks the rear wheels in a "neutral" (straightforward) position with the centering lock spring, which is activated by a solenoid valve in case of failure to ensure a normal 2WS function for the vehicle.
    7.    Hydraulic pump. Provides hydraulic pressure to both the front and rear steering systems.
    Details of Steering Phase Control Unit
    The steering phase control unit alters the direction and degree of rear wheel steering. It consists of a stepper motor that controls the rear steering ratio, a control yoke, a swing arm, a main bevel gear engaged to the rear steering shaft via a small bevel gear, and a control rod connected to the control valve. It operates:
    a. Opposite phase (direction) steering under 35km/h (22mph)
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