
      Slider-crank mechanism is one of the first widely available linkage , inertial forces generated during the operation of each component will cause forced vibration machine seat , increased wear of machine components and noise pollution, reduce and smooth motion accuracy institutions sex . Therefore , the study of such institutions balance is necessary. In theory , the use of mass substitution method enables the inertial force of this organization perfectly balanced . However, this method will result in a balance of mechanical and structural complexity increase the quality , particularly when the counterweight is mounted on the rod, the mechanism is more negative. Therefore , the inertial force people to use more part -balanced approach to reduce the vibration mechanism.
      Slider-crank mechanism includes a slider for reciprocating movement and as complex as the rotating rod and equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of major operations crank , they centroid acceleration and angular acceleration will lead to cyclical changes in the presence of vibration force and vibration torque. This will result in mechanical forces and moments of intense vibration and noise , increased wear and fatigue mechanical failure , reducing movement precision and smooth motion mechanism , limiting the improvement of mechanical properties. Vibration force study of sports institutions and vibration torque balance is mainly focused on two aspects : the vibration force and vibration torque balancing methods and analysis methods balance problems.
      Currently the machine transmission of slider-crank mechanism vibration force and vibration torque balance method are: ( 1 ) the quality of re- distribution method , this method is applied by the member counterweight approach , bringing the total centroid position institutions always in the frame , not the total body center of mass with the movement of the movement member, so as to achieve complete balance vibrational force ; ( 2 ) balance mechanism balance, i.e., adding another mechanism to balance the inertia of the mechanism of the original bodies. Analysts vibration force and vibration torque balance method are: ( 1 ) quality alternative method is based on the principles of quality and quality of the components before and after the replacement moment invariant mass member on behalf of the mass corresponding point. This approach is conducive to research institutions vibration and vibration moment equilibrium ; ( 2 ) linearly independent vectors method, this method is to first establish institutions overall centroid position vector expression , and then use the agency to make an expression of the vector loop equation linearly independent , the final centroid position is trying to make the total does not move , even though the expression of all the coefficients of all the time-dependent zero .
  1. 上一篇:混凝土应力英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:阻尼器英文文献和中文翻译
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