
    multiplication by a non-singular × matrix describing
    the same projective transformation.
    Proof:To obtain the proof, we need the algebraic equal-
    Hr × H det H H− r × , (6)
    which holds for any invertible × matrix H and -vector
    r, see e.g. [5].
    Let H be a × matrix describing a projective trans-
    formation and λ a non-zero scalar. Assume that y, r and J
    constitute a valid solution to Equation (5). Then
    also constitute a valid solution, since y
    is a unit vector, y
    is orthogonal to the columns of J
    by Equations (5) and (6). 
    The projective ambiguity turns out to be precise:
    Theorem 3 If we observe the flow vectors at a finite num-
    ber of points x of the distorted image, induced by three
    instantaneous linearly independent rotations r we can re-
    cover the undistorted points y f x corresponding to x
    up to a projective transformation, assuming that the warp
    f has a well defined non-singular matrix derivative at the
    points x under study.
    Proof:The constraints from Equation (5) given by three
    rotations can be combined into the matrix equation 摘要
    介绍 论文网
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