    Core and cavity generation method in injection mould design In a computer-aided injection mould design system, the generation of parting surfaces and the creation of core and cavity blocks is usually a bottleneck. The parting surfaces and core/cavity blocks are created based on the parting direction and parting lines. Here, the architecture of an injection mould design system is proposed on the basis of the practical information flow and processing steps in mould production lifecycle. In this architecture, the methodology to generate the parting surfaces and the core/cavity blocks is proposed. To generate the parting surfaces, the parting line edges are classified and the extruded directions specified to the different groups of parting line edges. Extruding the parting line edges to the boundary of the core/cavity bounding box generates the parting surfaces. To create the core/cavity blocks, the Boolean regularized difference operation (BRDO) is used and the related algorithms are presented. The criterion to identify whether the undercut features need local tools for moulding is proposed. The case studies illustrate and validate the methodology to generate the parting surfaces and core/cavity blocks.22333
    In injection mould design, the main design activities include the determination of parting direction, parting lines and surfaces, selection of mould types, cavity layout, gating, ejection, venting, heating/cooling types, mould materials, and the temperature control system. After the parting direction and lines are determined and the design scheme is decided, the rest of the detailed design activities mentioned above can proceed. Based on the known parting direction and parting lines, the methodologies related to the generation of parting surfaces and core/cavity blocks are presented.
    To generate the core/cavity blocks automatically, two methods known as the Boolean-based approach (BBA) and the Euler-based approach (EBA) are described here. In BBA, the core/cavity blocks are generated using the Boolean regularized difference operation (BRDO) between the core/cavity bounding box and the moulding. In EBA, the Euler operation is the key process to generate the related core/ cavity block surfaces. In BBA, the representative work to generate the core/cavity blocks of a mould is reported by Hui and Tan (1992). The procedures are to sweep the moulded part in the parting direction to generate a swept solid and construct a cavity solid. A cavity preform is then generated by the BRDO between the cavity solid and the swept solid in the cavity side. Similarly, a core solid is generated and a core preform is created by the BRDO between the core solid and the swept solid in the core side. Finally, the core and cavity blocks are created by the BRDO between the core and cavity performs in the closed position. In this work, the method in sweeping the moulded part in the parting direction is non-trivial and represents a challenge in a computer-aided design system.
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