
    2.2. Household Questionnaire
    A questionnaire was delivered by hand to all households in the 18 neighbourhoods. To maximise response rate we implemented several of the methods recommended by the Tailored Design Method (Dillman et al., 2009), such as the inclusion of a stamped return envelope and personalising correspondence by using a hand-addressed envelope along with a personally signed covering letter explaining the purpose of the survey. 2198 questionnaires were delivered and 533 were completed (24% response rate). There was a response bias across neighbourhoods, with the most affluent neighbourhood (R1) having a 49% response rate, compared to 14% in the least affluent neighbourhood (H3). An exploratory analysis that controlled for the effect of response rate using linear models showed that it had no significant effect on model fit, so was subsequently dropped from analyses as it indicated response rate did not affect the results.
    The questionnaire was the most comprehensive survey of garden management and wildlife gardening practices to have been undertaken in a UK city. It contained 30 questions that covered main themes of: (i) garden use and management; (ii) current wildlife gardening practices and wildlife observations; and (iii) house and garden characteristics
    (e.g. house type, garden size) (Appendix A). In addition, respondents were asked socio-demographic questions relating to age, presence of young children, housing tenure, length of residency, occupation and education. Respondents' level of wider environmental commitment was assessed by asking about participation in other environmental activities and membership of garden or wildlife organisations/charities. Finally, respondents were asked how important they deemed six global environmental issues by scoring them on a Likert scale from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important). Four indices were calculated for data analysis based on questionnaire responses (Table 2). The wildlife resources index (WRI) was used as one of two response variables, and the management intensity index, environmental activity index and environmental concern index were used as explanatory variables. Ground-truthing was used to verify the accuracy of the WRI during garden ecological surveys (Goddard, 2012) and correlation between respondent-assessed WRI and that recorded by MG in a subset of 90 gardens was moderately high (rs=0.72).
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