    摘  要:《大河报》是河南最著名的都市报,在河南报业市场以绝对优势占据市场首位。本论文通过文本分析、自身体验等形式,对《大河报》时政新闻报道特征进行了研究。《大河报》具有报道规格灵活掌握、报道内容标准严格、标题和配图具有代表性、版面位置安排得当等优点,同时也存在不能透过现象触及到本质、判断不够独立、新闻立场不亲民、内容存在同质化现象等不足。该报有必要注重新闻策划、增强独立的价值判断、转换报道视角和增强记者创新意识,以改进其时政报道,并为都市报时政报道提供借鉴。  10463
    Analysis on the Features of Current Political News Reporting in Metropolis Newspapers ---Take "Dahe Daily" as an Example
        Abstract:"Dahe Daily" is the most famous metropolis newspaper in Henan, which occupies the first place with absolute advantage in the newspaper market of Henan. This paper studies the features of current politics news of "Dahe Daily" through the forms of text analysis, autoscopia,etc. "Dahe Daily" has advantages in flexible report specifications, strict standards of reported contents, representative titles and illustrations, proper arrangement of page locations,etc. Meanwhile, it has deficiencies in not touching the essence through the phenomena, subjective judgements, non-populist standpoints of news, phenomena of homogenization in contents,etc. It is necessary to pay more attention to plan news , convert the views of reports ,and enhance the independent value judgments and innovation of reporters,so as to improve its political coverages, and provide reference for current politics reports of metropolis newspapers.
        Key words:metropolis newspapers;current political news reporting;"Dahe Daily"
     目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、时政新闻在都市报中的地位和作用    2
    (一)时政新闻的地位    2
    (二)时政新闻的作用    3
    二、《大河报》中时政新闻报道特色探析    3
    (一)报道规格灵活,容易掌握    3
    (二)报道内容标准严格    4
    (三)标题和配图具有代表性    4
    (四)版面位置安排得当    5
    三、《大河报》时政新闻报道中存在的缺陷    6
    (一)有时不能透过现象触及到本质    6
    (二)判断不够独立    6
    (三)新闻立场不够亲民    7
    (四)普遍存在同质化现象    7
    四、改善都市报时政新闻的具体举措    8
    (一)注重新闻策划    8
    (二)增强独立的价值判断    9
    (三)转换报道视角    9
    (四)增强记者创新意识    10
    参考文献    12
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