

    Although the film is a black and white film, it touches us. As the Geneva Declaration says, "When I was admitted into the medical profession, I solemnly promised that I would devote myself to serve mankind", which is the highest moral standard of medical career. Although Li Shizhen did not know this saying, he practiced it in his life. What we need is knowledge. Empty talk is useless. He takes responsibility and mission to benefit the people with all what he has learned. In addition to Li Shizhen, many other people touches us,too. They are the backbone of China.


    Li Shizhen is not only a doctor, but also a loving husband, friend and teacher. The mutual affection with wife, friends and students is deeply hidden in his heart. He was a fighter who tasted hundreds of grass, but also an ordinary person who often felt sad but knew how to be happy in suffering. This is another touching point of the film.


    Teacher and students also popularized the status of ancient doctors. In ancient times, the status of doctors was very low, but now doctor is a noble profession. It is precisely because of the selfless dedication of Li Shizhen and other famous doctors. As medical students, we must be diligent to continue the glory of the doctors. Many students also expressed interest in the book Compendium of Materia Medica, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the field of traditional Chinese medicine.


           Just as the teacher said, "What is immortal is the spirit". Compendium of Materia Medica has been preserved in history and become an immortal cultural treasure for thousands of years, as well as a spirit of medical practitioners. May we all live up to the efforts of our ancestors

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