
    A. never     B. one time     C. two or three     D. more than three times 

    Q4. How long you spend on online shopping every week? 

    A. less than 5h    B. 5-10h    C. 10-15h    D. more than 10h 

    Q5. How much is your monthly living expense? 

    A.less 800RMB    B.800-1000RMB    C.1000-1200RMB D.more than 1200RMB 

    Q6. How much money you spend on online shopping every month? 

    A. less than 100RMB      B. 100-200RMB 

    C. 200-300RMB      D. more than 300RMB 

    Q7. How much dose online shopping account for against your usual purchase of 


    A.  Most    B. half    C. small    D. rare 

    Q8. What you usually buy online? (multiple choice) 

    A.Clothes    B. books    C. electronic productions 

    D. foods    E. skincare  productions.   F. game cards   G. other 

    Q9. What website  do you usually use? (multiple choice) 

       A. Taobao    B. Dangdang    C. Amazon    D.VIP   

    E. Jingdong    F. other 

    Q10.Why  do you choose online shopping? 

    A. Money-saving   B. time-saving   C. varieties 

    D. good attitude and service  E. trend  F. other 

    Q11. What you pay most attention to during online shopping? 

    A.  Price    B. quality    C. sales    D. public praise 

    Q12.What’s the way in which you learn about online shopping? 

    A. students around    B. web page  C. advertisement    D. other 

    Q13. Which way of promotion will make you make the deal? (multiple choice) 

    A. store coupon  B. discount  C.seckill  D. gift     

    E. free delivery   F. full cut    G. other 

    Q14. Do you satisfy with the sellers’ service? 

    A. very much    B.relatively satisfy   C. so so   D. not satisfy 

    Q15. Do you satisfy with the goods you bought online? 

    A. very much    B.relatively satisfy   C. so so   D. not satisfy 

    Q16. Have you been cheated during online shopping? 

    A. yes    B. no 

    Q17. What will you do when you receive goods that are far more from satisfaction? 

    A.return goods   B. do nothing but give bad review    C. Complaints to the 

    website platform or to the Consumer Protection Agency for help   D. other 

    Q18. Do you satisfy with the delivery? 

    A. very much    B.relatively satisfy   C. so so   D. not satisfy 


  1. 上一篇:师大女生面膜的购买动机调查问卷表
  2. 下一篇:大学生对申通快递公司的满意度调查问卷表
  1. 大学生旅游市场问卷调查表

  2. 女大学生旅游市场调查问卷表

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  6. 苏州美食旅游发展情况调查问卷表

  7. 高中力学学习情况问卷调查表

  8. 跨国企业全球营销策略的市场定位调查

  9. 友谊质量调查问卷表

  10. PLC焊机电气控制系统设计开题报告

  11. 上市公司债务税盾文献综述和参考文献

  12. 多智能体系统一致性问题研究

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  14. PLC启闭机液压系统设计及其故障诊断

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