
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    29. Free freight would cause impulse buying?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    30. Gifts can stir my desire to purchase?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    31. I prefer to give more attention to flash-sale websites?
    A. Absolutely agree        B. Well agree           C. Uncertain
    D. Well disagree           E. Absolutely disagree
    32. Which way of promotion you like most?
    A. Cheaper price  B. Flash sale  C. Gifts  D. Coupons  E. Lucky draw
  1. 上一篇:大学生网上冲动性购买行为调查问卷
  2. 下一篇:大学生宿舍人际关系现状调查问卷
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