    I like this, and I like that.

    I like this, but I like that more

    I like this, so I would like to buy it

    I am sleepy, so I will take a nap 20个英语复杂句及解析句子成分的例句20个

    I would like a drink, since I am thirsty.

    This color is too bright, so I would like to try another one

    This coat is good, because it is of very good quality

    I would like to get up early, because I have an early class tomorrow

    Do you like coffee, tea, or milk, or none of the above?

    Other than studying, I also like to relax once in while

    If not this, then what?

    12 Besides studying, playing outside is important too

    I like to read, also, I like to excise

    In order to get better results, you have to practice more

    If you want to win, then you have to sacrifice

    16 If I can do it, then you can too

    If I like what I see, then I will consider buying it

    Some people say that the past is important, however, I think the future is more important

    19 If we can get there faster by bus, why should we walk

    20 The best way to get there, other than by bus, is to walk

    1.If I were not Alexander,then I should wish tobe Diogenes.
    2.Never despair.But if you do,work on indespair.
    3.Those who dream by day are cognizant of manythings which escape those who dream only by night.
    4.One morning I awoke to find myself famous.
    5.That’s the reason why they’re called lessons,because they lessen from day to day.
    6.Bring me my costume for the Swan Dance.
    7.A man of genius makes no mistakes.His errorsare volitional and are the portals of discovery.
    8.Genius is one per cent of inspiration andninety-nine per cent of perspiration.
    9.Yet it does move.
    10.Give me a laundry list and I’ll set it to music.
    11.Much reading is an oppression of the mind,andextinguishes the natural candle.
    12.The more the marble wastes the more the statuegrows.
    13.He who sleeps in continual noise is awakened bysilence.
    14.A variety of nothing is better than a monotonyof something.
    15.I haven’t got time to be tired.
    16.Plain living and high thinking.
    17.No matter where this body is,the mind is free.20个英语复杂句及解析,句子成分的例句20个
    18.Law is a bottomless pit.
    19.Blessed is he who expects nothing,for he shall never be disappointed.
    20.A man of sixty has spent 20 years in bed and over 3 years in eating.
    21.If all women had the same face,men would not beunfaithful.
    22.The true comes in,the false goes away.
    23.Man is born free,and everywhere he is inchains.
    24.Nature never deceives us; it is always we whodeceive ourselves.
    25.It is not who is right,but what is right,thatis of importance.
    26.I often say a great doctor kills more peoplethan a great general.
    27.A happy marriage is a long conversation thatalways seems too short.
    28.I never found the companion that was socompanionable as solitude.
    29.When a dog bites a man that is not news,butwhen a man bites a dog that is news.
    30.Shakespeare gives the greatest width of human passion; Dante the greatest altitude and greatest depth.
  1. 上一篇:英语句子成分分析例句
  2. 下一篇:动名词和现在分词的区别,动名词跟现在分词的区别
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