
    关键词:  发达国家  和谐劳动关系   中丝集团上海公司  员工福利
    Labor relations in the People's Republic of China
    As the Economy of the People's Republic of China has rapidly developed issues of labor relations have developed.
    All-China Federation of Trade Unions
    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) was established in 1925 to represent the interests of national and local trade unions and trade union councils. The ACFTU reported a membership of 130 million, out of an estimated 248 million urban workers, at the end of 2002. Chinese trade unions are organized on a broad industrial basis. Membership is open to those who rely on wages for the whole or a large part of their income, a qualification that excludes most agricultural workers. In theory, membership is not compulsory, but in view of the unions' role in the distribution of social benefits, the economic pressure to join is great. The lowest unit is the enterprise union committee. Inpidual trade unions also operate at the provincial level, and there are trade union councils that coordinate all union activities within a particular area and operate at county, municipal, and provincial levels. At the top of the movement is the ACFTU, which discharges its functions through a number of regional federations.
    In theory the appropriate trade union organizations have been consulted on the level of wages as well as on wage differentials, but in practice their role in these and similar matters has been insignificant. They have not engaged in collective bargaining, as their principal duties have included assisting the party and promoting production. In fulfilling these tasks, they have had a role in enforcing labor discipline. From the point of view of the membership, the most important activities have concerned the social and welfare services. Thus, the unions have looked afterindustrial safety, organized social and cultural activities, and, provided services such as clinics, rest and holiday homes, hostels, libraries, and clubs. They also administer old-age pensions, workers' insurance, disability benefits, and other welfare schemes. More recently, however, reforms of the social security system have involved moving the responsibility for pensions and other welfare to the provinces.

    一、    绪论    1
    (一)    研究背景与目的    1
    (二)    研究意义    1
    (三)    国内外研究现状    2
  1. 上一篇:残疾大学生就业问题的访谈提纲
  2. 下一篇:和谐劳动关系调查问卷表
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  4. 高中生自我和谐与心理复原力问卷调查表

  5. 和谐劳动关系调查问卷表

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