    摘要固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)由于具有高效、清洁、经济、安全等优点而受到广泛的关注。然而传统SOFC操作温度偏高(850―1000℃),对电解质、电极等材料性能要求十分苛刻,制约了SOFC的大规模商业化发展目前的趋势。因此降低SOFC工作温度,开发中温SOFC已成为SOFC商业化发展的必然趋势。所以采用中低温下具有高氧离子电导率等优异性能的新型电解质材料,将是解决中低温SOFC电池电性能瓶颈问题的基本途径之一。本论文制备了3组不同柠檬酸配比的SDC电解质试样,并利用XRD、SEM等测试方法,结合SDC电解质粉末的形貌及颗粒尺寸、SDC电解质陶瓷的致密度、晶粒尺寸以及电性能,针对不同组成的柠檬酸对SDC陶瓷致密化过程的影响进行了研究,得到相关的实验结果:不同的柠檬酸配比和不同的煅烧温度导致了产物的形貌、致密度、电性能的不同。关键词  SDC  电解质     SOFC9845
    Title Synthesis and Properties of the perovskite-type for intermediate temperature solid electrolyte
    The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has the advantage of efficient, clean, economic, security and widespread concern. However, traditional SOFC operating temperature is high (850-1000℃),the material properties of electrolyte, electrodes and other requirements are too stringent, restricting the development of large-scale commercialization for SOFC current trends. Thus reducing of the operating SOFC temperature, the development temperature of SOFC has become an inevitable trend  development for the SOFC commercialization. Therefore, in low temperatures, high oxygen ion conductivity and excellent performance of the new electrolyte materials, will address one of the basic approach for the low temperature SOFC battery performance bottlenecks. This article was prepared by three different sets of citric acid ratio of the SDC electrolyte sample and test methods such as XRD、SEM,combination of the SDC electrolyte powder morphology and particle size, density of the SDC electrolyte ceramics, grain size and electrical properties, SDC ceramics densification process for the different components of the citric acid has been studied and related experimental results: different citric acid ratio and the calcination temperature led to the product morphology, density, and the different electrical properties.
    Keywords  SDC    electrolyte    SOFC
    1.引言    1
    1.1 SOFCs关键构件的要求和研究内容    1
    1.2钙钛矿型的固体氧化物电解质    3
    1.3 CeO2 基电解质材料    4
    1.4 选题的目的和意义    8
    2  实验部分    11
    2.1  实验试剂和仪器    11
    2.2合成工艺    11
    2.3 表征方法    12
    3  结果与讨论    16
    3.1 样品的XRD分析    16
    3.2 样品微观结构分析    18
    3.3样品电性能分析    22
    结论    25
    致谢    26
    参 考 文 献    271.引言
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