


     Abstract Spinel ferrite, as an inorganic functional material, has been widely used in medical, electronic, biological and military fields because of its unique magnetic properties. Graphene is the popular direction of scientific research. Because of its two-dimensional crystal structure and excellent electrical properties, thermal properties and strong mechanical properties, graphene has a broad prospect of application. MXene is a new type of graphene layered structure two-dimensional crystal material, because of its ultra-high specific capacitance, in the field of electronic and sensor has great application prospects. In this paper we study the ferrite / graphene (MXene) composite was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis method based on ferrite and graphene (MXene) effect of mass ratio of composite material structure, composition and magnetic properties etc.

    .Keywords: Spinel ferrite; graphite; MXene; magnetic properties 


    铁氧体/石墨烯复合材料的制备及磁性能研究 2

    目录 3

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 MnFe2O4尖晶石型铁氧体材料 1

    1.1.1 MnFe2O4尖晶石型铁氧体材料的简介 1

    1.1.2 MnFe2O4尖晶石型铁氧体材料的结构 1

    1.1.3 MnFe2O4尖晶石型铁氧体材料的制备方法 2

    1.1.4  MnFe2O4尖晶石型铁氧体的应用 3

    1.2 Graphene/MXene材料 4

    1.2.1 Graphene材料的简介 4

    1.2.2 Graphene材料的性能 5

    1.2.3 MXene材料的简介 6

    1.2.4  MXene材料的性能 6

    1.3 铁氧体复合材料 7

    1.3.1 铁氧体复合材料的静磁性能 7

    1.3.2 铁氧体复合材料的微波吸收性能 7

    1.4 选题的研究目的及内容 8

    1.4.1 选题的研究的目的 8

    1.4.2 选题的研究内容 8

    2 实验部分 9

    2.1 实验工艺流程 9

    2.2 水热法合成铁氧体/石墨烯(MXene)复合材料 9

    2.3 实验试剂 10

    2.4 实验设备 10

    2.5 实验设备简介 10

    2.5.1 综合热分析仪 10

    2.5.2 X射线衍射仪(XRD) 11

    2.5.3 振动样品磁强计(VSM) 11

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