    Research on Friction and Wear Characteristics in high temperature of 17-4PH Steel
    Abstract: The experiments on the 17-4PH steel heat treatment was 1040 ℃ solution 30min, 1040 ℃ solution +600 ℃ tempering 4h. Stainless steel 17-4PH were systematicallystudied under dry sliding condition with the load of 50N and the ambient temperature was 20 ℃、120℃ and 240 ℃ by a pin-on-disc high-temperature wear & abrasion tester.The experimental temperature friction and wear were: 20 ℃, 120 ℃ and 240 ℃. The structure,morphology and composition of the worn surface,subsurface and wear debris were examined using SEM.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) worn surface composition, morphology and grinding section structure, 17-4PH steel investigate the wear mechanism. The results showed that: solid solution hardening martensitic sample tissue primarily, 600 ℃ tempered martensite sample tissue primarily, so the solution state sample than the hardness of the sample after tempering. Two kinds of heat treatment of the sample under test wear rate as the temperature is raised up, and the samples tempered at 600 ℃ higher than the wear rate of the sample solution. The main wear form is abrasive wear and adhesive wear. 1040 ℃ 20 ℃ rubbing the sample solution under the conditions of the status of abrasive wear, the wear rate is low, and thus in the sample under this condition the best wear resistance.
    Keywords: 17-4PH steel; dry sliding; friction and wear; wear rate; wear mechanism
    目  录
    1.前言    1
    1.1 不锈钢概述    1
    1.1.1 不锈钢的发展    1
    1.1.2不锈钢的分类    2
    1.2不锈钢的磨损与危害    4
    1.2.1不锈钢的磨损形式    4
    1.2.2磨损的危害    5
    1.3降低磨损的途径    5
    1.4 17-4PH钢(马氏体沉淀强化不锈钢)的简介    6
    1.5 17-4PH钢的物理性能    7
    1.6 17-4PH钢的热处理工艺    8
    1.7本文的意义及目的    9
    2.实验材料及方法    10
    2.1 实验材料    10
    2.2热处理方案    10
    2.3显微组织分析    11
    2.3.1金相组织分析    11
    2.3.2 TEM显微组织    12
    2.4硬度与摩擦磨损试    13
    2.4.1硬度试验    13
    2.4.2.摩擦磨损试验    14
    2.4.3磨面形貌测试    15
    2.4.4.磨粒形貌测试    15
    3.实验结果与分析    16
    3.1组织观察    16
    3.1.1 金相组织观察    16
    3.1.2 TEM显微组织分析    16
    3.2 磨损试验    17
    3.2.1磨损率分析... 17
    3.2.2样品磨损面形貌分析    17
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