
    摘要:变形镁合金以其优异的性能而倍受关注,但因室温塑性较低而限制了其在工业中的广泛应用。纯镁及镁合金为 HCP 结构,孪生是镁合金室温塑性变形中重要的变形方式。开展镁合金孪生变形的研究,对提高和改善镁合金塑性变形具有重要意义。本文主要研究了表面纹理轧制、弯曲轧制、异速比等工艺对AZ31镁合金板材孪晶及室温塑性的影响,并借助光学显微镜和万能试验机进行了显微组织和力学性能的分析,对比了AZ31镁合金轧材孪晶的种类、数量对室温力学性能的影响,由此分析孪生在塑性变形过程中的作用。主要研究内容和结果如下:






     Effect of twinning kind of sheet plastic properties of magnesium alloys at room temperature

    Abstract:wrought magnesium alloy for its outstanding performance and attracting much attention, but the low temperature ductility and limit its wide application in industry. Pure magnesium and magnesium alloy for the HCP structure, magnesium alloy twin room temperature plastic deformation important variant. Research magnesium alloy twin deformation, is important to enhance and improve the magnesium alloy plastic deformation. This paper studies the effects of surface texture of plastic rolling, rolling curved, iso-ratio and other technology for AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet twins and room temperature, and with an optical microscope and a universal testing machine analyzed the microstructure and mechanical properties, Compare the types of AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled twinning, the impact on the number of mechanical properties at room temperature, thereby analyze the role of twins in the plastic deformation process. The main contents and results are as follows:

    (1) by rolling surface texture, we found a significant reduction on twinning and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys. Magnesium alloy sheet-way comparison of the two reduction rolling surface texture after stretching and metallurgical test results showed that: AZ31 magnesium alloy roll temperature difference 25 ℃, the use of large rolling reduction of rolling method obtained elongation sheet made up to 9.68%, the yield strength and tensile strength were 172MPa and 270MPa. And a small reduction in the rolling way to get rolling performance compared to significantly increase its elongation at room temperature, the main form of twinning is twinning and drawing a small amount of compression of twins and other reduction rolling twinning rolling way to get stretched twins, therefore, for its compression twins hinder dislocation slip effect.

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