        通过对石墨烯水凝胶吸附等温线研究,采用Langmuir 和Freundlich方程进行模型拟合,从数据的相关性系数R2分析结果表明Langmuir模型的拟合效果比Freundlich模型的拟合效果要好(R2:0.980>0.905),通过Langmuir模型所计算出的最大吸附容量qm为858.15mg/g。D-R 方程模型发现吸附平均自由能Ea值0.225kJ/mol(<8kJ/mol),表明石墨烯水凝胶对四环素的吸附是以物理吸附为主的过程。
    Abstract:In recent years, the overuse of antibiotics has led to a series of environmental problems, and it is an increasing concern for antibiotic residues in the environment. Adsorption is an effective method for removing antibiotic residues in the environment. The key problem of adsorption is the adsorbent material. A new carbon nanomaterial - graphene as a novel adsorbent, has many unique advantages, such as the abundant pore structure, high surface area, good thermal stability, structural controllability. Graphene has relatively good adsorption properties for the organic pollutants in aqueous solutions as a potential adsorbent, which can be 
    efficiently removed antibiotics in the environment and is causing widespread concern in the domestic and foreign scholars. This article aims to systematically study the adsorption properties of antibiotics onto graphene (such as tetracycline), and study the effects of various environmental factors for antibiotics adsorption onto graphene.
    The result of the adsorption kinetics of tetracycline onto graphene hydrogel was shown that the rapid adsorption process was in 1 ~ 10d, and the equilibrium time of tetracycline adsorption was after 20d. For further analysis of the adsorption kinetics of tetracycline on graphene hydrogel, pseudo first order, pseudo-second-and intra-particle diffusion model were used to fit the experimental results of the evaluation. Eventually we discovered that adsorption kinetics of tetracycline onto graphene hydrogel followed pseudo second-order kinetic model. Intra-particle diffusion and external diffusion jointly controlled adsorption rate.
    By studying the equilibrium adsorption isotherm of tetracycline onto graphene hydrogel, experimental adsorption data were fitted using Langmuir and Freundlich equation. From comparing the correlation coefficient R2, the fitting results shown that Langmuir model was better fitted with the experiment data than Freundlich model (R2:0.980>0.905). The maximum adsorption capacity qm calculated by Langmuir model was 858.15mg/g. Results of D-R equation shown that adsorption average value free energy Ea is 0.225kJ/mol (<8kJ/mol), and the result indicated that the adsorption of tetracycline onto graphene hydrogel is based physical adsorption process.
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