    关键词  316L不锈钢 喷丸处理  结构  硬度 强度
    Title  Microstructures and mechanical properties of  surface nano-crystallizated 316L stainless steel                                       
    Surface nano-crystallizated materials has great application potential since their properties can be improved .By using of White Light Focusing System, Vickers Hardness, Tensile Testing Machine, Transmission Electron Microscope and other apparatus, 316L stainless steel with surface nano-gradient structures were investigated. using. The results are as follows:
       1, 316L stainless steel surface treatment, coarse grain becomes smaller, the longer the shot, the broader plastic deformation  ,the greater size farther from the surface.
       2, Obtained by TEM observation that the surface layer of nanocrystalline and twinning organizations around the twin layer is 23nm, and the average short axis of nano-grains is about 30nm.
       3. The average hardness of the original sample is 180HV, at different times after treatment, the hardness increased up to twice the hardness of the original sample,and reduced gradually along the the thickness direction.  
       4, Tensile tests showed that the yield strength of the treated samples increased to twice of the original sample, the tensile strength also increased, but the average ductility decreased.  
    Keywords  316L stainless steel; Shot peening;Structure; Hardness; Strength
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景和国内外发展情况    1
    1.2  纳米材料介绍    2
    1.3  表面纳米化介绍    2
    1.4  316L不锈钢的介绍    3
    1.5  表面纳米化316L不锈钢力学性能    3
    1.6  对本文需要解决的问题以及可行的研究手段    6
    1.7  316L不锈钢表层纳米化的用途    6
    2  实验部分    8
    2.1  实验材料    8
    2.2  实验样品制备过程    9
    2.3  试验测试分析    9
    3  实验结果数据分析    14
    3.1  金相组织    14
    3.2 通过透镜分析处理样品的组织结构    15
    3.3 通过文氏硬度计分析微观硬度    17
    3.4 通过拉伸试验机测试拉伸性能和断口形貌分析    17
    结  论    20
    致  谢    21
    参考文献    22
    1  引言
    1.1  课题的研究背景和国内外发展情况
    1.2  纳米材料介绍
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