    毕业论文关键词   铜耐磨层  电子束选区烧结  快速成型  参数优化
    Title    Copper  wear-resisting  layer  structure  design  and    fabrication  of  electron  beam  3D printing                                               
    Mainly studied in vacuum electron beam rapid prototyping technology of copper wear-resisting layer cladding technology. Designed copper wear-resisting layer structure, and achieved wear-resistant materials and copper matrix between the metallurgical bond by the rapid deflection of the electron beam. Based on the analysis of various deflection scanning mode, beam flow parameters of the joint microstructure, chemical composition, mechanical properties, put forward a better electron beam cladding process parameters. Copper wear-resisting layer by electron beam 3D printing process parameters to explore and experiment, melting cladding process observation and analysis, and the blowing powder cladding process, metal and pilling affecting factors were studied. So as to optimize the process parameters, and the analysis of the influence of different parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties,performance evaluation and testing of products.
     Keywords   Copper wear-resisting layer   Electron beam selective sintering  Rapid prototyping    Parameter optimization
    目   次
    1    绪论 1
      1.1  3D打印 1
      1.2  电子束焊接技术2
      1.3  电子束选区烧结成型技术3
      1.4  课题目的和任务5
    2    实验设备及方法6
      2.1  实验设备  6
      2.2  试验材料 9
      2.3  试验方法 10
    3    实验参数探究及吹粉、铜上浮问题分析12
      3.1  电子束焊机基本参数调节 12
      3.2  预热问题及“吹粉”现象 13
      3.3  粉末层厚度对焊缝成形的影响 14
      3.4  电子束流大小对熔化层焊缝成形的影响 15
      3.5  焊接速度大小对熔化层焊缝成形的影响 17
      3.6  铜板母材在熔覆过程中上浮问题探究 18
      3.7  本章小结 19
    4    基板及打印结构的微观组织特征分析和硬度检测 22
      4.1  纯铜及其熔合区显微组织 22
      4.2  耐磨层打印结构显微组织 22
      4.3  基板及打印结构显微硬度测量 23
      4.4  本章小结 26
    结论  27
    致谢  28
    参考文献  29
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