    摘要:随着产品微型化的发展,平面微弹簧作为重要的构件,其制作工艺要求不断研究和改进。本文研究了占空比、电流密度、电源属性三个因素对微电铸平面微弹簧质量的影响, 并用正交实验法进行工艺优化,制得了具有良好尺寸精度和疲劳力学性能的平面微弹簧。 研究表明: 本论文采用微电铸方法制备的平面微弹簧的疲劳性能优于现有文献报导的;平面微弹簧的成分为铜,微观组织为混合态,贴近基片的一面为细等轴晶,背离基片的一面多为柱状晶;随着占空比的增大,微弹簧的线宽和厚度均有所下降,疲劳性能也有所下降;电源属性对线宽的影响较大,直流电源电铸的线宽相对比较理想;最优工艺为采用双脉冲电源、电流密度 3A/m2、占空比为20%。 25144
    毕业论文关键词 平面微弹簧 光刻 微电铸 正交试验
    Title Electrocasting Technology  of  Flat  Micro-spring
    With the development of miniaturized products, as an important member,  the
    production process  of planar  micro-spring requires constant research and
    improvement.  This paper studies the duty cycle, current density, power
    properties cast three factors affect the quality of planar micro spring micro-
    power, and process optimization using orthogonal experiment, prepared with good
    dimensional accuracy and fatigue properties of the planar micro spring. Studies
    show  the  ingredient  of micro-spring  is copper, the microstructure is mixed
    state, the microstructure of ingredient closed to the substrate is fine
    equiaxed, and the other one is columnar crystals. As the duty cycle increases,
    the micro-spring width and thickness has declined and fatigue performance also
    declined. There is a greater impact on the width of power properties,  the
    linewidth of micros-spring is relatively satisfactory electroformed DC power.
    In this paper, the fatigue properties of micro electroforming process for the
    preparation of planar micro-spring is better than reported in the literature
    by dual pulse power, current density 3A/m2, duty cycle 20%. 
    Keywords Planar micro-spring Photolithography Electroforming Orthogonal design of experiments
     目 次 
    1 引言    1
    1.1 平面弹簧的应用    1
    1.1.1 弹簧在引信中的应用    2
    1.1.2 平面螺旋弹簧在机械手表中的应用    2
    1.2 平面微弹簧制备方法  ..  3
    1.2.1 平面微弹簧UV-LIGA 工艺  ..  3
    1.2.2 矩形截面弹簧卷簧工艺  .  4
    1.2.3 平面弹簧冷挤压成形工艺  ..  5
    1.2.4 平面微弹簧电火花线切割工艺  .  5
    1.3 微电铸的特点及存在的问题  ..  6
    1.3.1 微电铸定义  ..  6
    1.3.2 微电铸特点  ..  6
    1.3.3 微电铸优点  ..  7
    1.3.4 微电铸质量影响因素    7
    1.4 微电铸工艺的改善  .  8
    1.4.1 改善铸层表面均匀性    8
    1.4.2 提高微电铸速率  .  9
    1.4.3 消除残余内应力  .  9
    1.5 研究的意义  .  9
    1.6 研究的内容  .  9
    2 实验材料及方法  .  10
    2.1 实验材料的选择  ..  10
    2.1.1 电铸材料的选择    10
    2.1.2 微电铸基片的选择  .  10
    2.1.3 电铸液的配比  ..  11
    2.1.4 光刻胶的选择  ..  11
    2.1.5 掩膜版的制作  ..  13
    2.2 实验方法  ..  13
    2.2.1 光刻  .  13
    2.2.2 微电铸工艺  .  15
    2.2.3 脱模  .  15
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