    摘要随着精密机械电子工业迅猛发展,产品微型化的趋势日益加强,世界专家和学者对微成形展开了广泛而深入地研究,微成形理论与技术不断创新提升,并走向成熟。铝合金以其重量轻和比强度高等特点而被认为是下一代新型结构材料。本文自主设计了微压印式模具并成功制备出铝板坯。本论文工作采用均匀化退火,冷轧和室温压印方式,从而实现提高铝合金微成形性能的目的。利用金相显微镜分析和力学性能测试等手段研究了变形条件对1100铝合金组织性能的影响。研究结果表明:1100铝合金经过均匀热处理以后,晶粒均匀化,塑性得到提高; 1100铝合金经过冷轧以后,抗拉强度显著的提高。24541
    关键词:  1100铝合金、微成形、智能金属板坯、沟槽
    Tilte   Smart metal sheets of process design for micro impact extrusion
    With the rapid development of precision machinery and electronics industries, the trend of products miniaturization increasing, the experts and scholars launched a wide-ranging and in-depth study on the micro formin,which promotes the micro-forming theory and technology continuous innovation to improve and mature. The super-light aluminum  alloys are considered to be the “New structural materials” for the next generation applications, due to their good ability such as low weight and high specific strength.In this work, the micro extrusion die of Smart metal sheets was designed and manufactured. In this paper, by using homogenizing annealing, cold rolling and room temperature impressing, thus improving the purpose of micro forming properties of aluminum alloy. Effect of deformation conditions on the microstructure and properties of 1100 aluminum alloy by using metallographic microscope and mechanics performance testing. The results show that: after homogenizing annealing of 1100 aluminum alloy, grain uniformity, plasticity is improved; 1100 aluminum alloy after cold rolling of tensile strength improved significantly.
    Key words: 1100 aluminum alloy, micro forming, smart metal sheets,cavities
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  智能材料简介    1
    1.2  微成形简介    2
    1.3  智能金属板坯微冲挤压国内外研究    3
    1.4  本文研究意义与主要内容    4
    2  实验材料及方法    5
    2.1  实验原料    5
    2.2  试验流程    5
    2.3  坯料预处理实验    6
    2.4  微成形及测试设备    8
    2.5  智能金属板成形模具    8
    2.6  挤压实验方案    10
    2.7  实验分析方法    11
    3  退火工艺及压下率对1100铝合金性能的影响    13
    3.1  退火工艺对微观组织的影响    13
    3.2  轧制工艺对1100铝合金力学性能影响    14
    3.3  1100铝合金各向异性的影响    16
    3.4  本章小结    16
    4  1100铝合金微冲击挤压性能研究    17
    4.1  工艺条件成形结果    17
    4.2  微冲击挤压过程分析    18
    4.3  工艺参数对微冲击挤压过程影响    19
    4.4  微压印各向异性    20
    4.5  挤压质量分析    21
    4.6  本章小结    26
    结论    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
    1  绪论
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