        跟着超级电容器发展的改进的指导,论文中首先设计了一文立体结构的氧化锌作为模板得到ZnO@Ni@ 三层结构。镍可以提高整个电极材料的导电性,氧化锌模板可以得到三文的结构得到更大的比表面积,而二氧化锰的比容量本身就很高。因此三种材料结合形成三层核壳结构的协同完成整个过程。因此,三层的核壳结构能展现出较大的比表面积,较好的导电性及较大的比容量。
    Title   Hierarchically Structured hybrid MnO2 Nanorod  Arrays for High-Performance Supercapacitors                                                               
    As for the most appealing alternative material of   in supercapacitors,  exhibit low cost , high theoretical capacities ,environment safety , as well as natural abundance .Although    can provide so many advantages ,it’s drawbacks prevent it from developing . Its intrinsic poor electronic conductivity and relatively low specific surface area can lead a slow conductivity of electrons and ions which limits the charge-discharge rate . At present ,two main approaches have been used to improve the performance of supercapacitors-----improving the conductivity and the specific area . We can increase the specific surface area by a better architecture and a better conductivity by compositing.
       Following the new trends of the supercapacitors , in this paper we design a 1D architecture as for  the template which can provide a hierarchical architecture to a high specific surface area.At last ,we get  ZnO@Ni@ core-shell-shell structure , in this structure nickel layer improves the conductivity and   itself exhibits a high theoretical capacities.So we can get a super material for supercapacitors.
    Key words: Supercapacitor,  Nanorods, core shell , ZnO@Ni@MnO2
    目录    4
    1.引言(或绪论)    5
    1.1  超级电容器的分类    5
    1.1.1  双层电容器    6
    1.1.2  赝电容电容器    6
    1.2  超级电容器的各种参数    7
    1.3  超级电容器电极材料的评判    8
    1.3.1  CV    8
    1.3.2 电化学阻抗谱    8
    1.4  超级电容器的优点和缺点    9
    2. 二氧化锰用于超级电容器    10
    2.1 影响氧化锰性能性能因素    11
    2.2  锰的氧化物所面临的挑战    12
    3.  本课题的研究内容    13
    3.1实验内容与检测方法的介绍    13
    3.1.1实验内容    13
    3.2.1形貌及结构的检测    14
    3.2.2电化学性能的检测    15
    电化学性能是检测超级电容器的重要检测手段。    15
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