    摘要本文针对某厂车桥支撑加强板与圆形焊接螺母的凸焊存在的质量问题,采用固定式中频逆变电焊机对 H260PD+Z-100-X-FC-Y 镀锌钢板与 10B21 螺母进行凸焊试验研究,通过调整预热电流、预热时间、焊接电流、焊接时间、电极压力等凸焊参数,分析了凸焊工艺参数对焊缝质量的影响规律,找出了合理的车桥支撑加强板与圆形焊接螺母凸焊工艺参数。试验结果表明:在预热电流 20 KA、预热时间6 cyc、焊接电流 33KA、焊接时间 20 cyc、电极压力为9900N时,满足了焊接质量要求。 21500
    破坏性试验表明:3个凸点中至少有两个凸点能拉破本体(镀锌钢板侧)。 金相分析结果表明:在不损坏螺纹前提下,凸点熔核的宽度大于 2mm、熔深在0.2mm以上,凸点组织为 F+P,且熔核有典型的柱状晶组织。
    毕业论文关键词:镀锌钢板  圆形螺母  凸焊工艺   金相组织  
    Title   Experimental study on circular welded nut projection
    welding galvanized steel                   
    In this  paper, the reinforcement plate and circular projection welding weld
    nut quality problems axle factory support for using fixed frequency
    inverter welding machine for H260PD + Z-100-X-FC-Y galvanized steel nuts
    and 10B21 convex Experimental study welding, preheating current by
    adjusting the preheating time, welding current, welding time, electrode
    pressure projection welding parameters analyzed projection welding
    process parameters on weld quality, find a reasonable axle support to
    strengthen plate with circular welded nut projection welding process
    parameters. The test results showed that: in the preheating current 20 KA,
    warm-up time 6 cyc, welding current 33KA, welding time 20 cyc, electrode
    pressure when 9900N, meet the quality requirements of welding. 
    Destructive tests showed that: there are at least three bump-breaking
    body can pull two bumps (galvanized steel plate side). 
    Metallographic analysis showed that: the thread is not damaged under
    the premise that the width of the bump nugget than 2mm, 0.2mm depth of
    penetration in the above bump organization F + P, and the nugget is typical
    columnar grain structure. 
    Keywords:Galvanized steel    round nut projection   Projection welding
    process    Microstructure
                                目   次  
    1  绪论   3
    1.1  选题背景及意义 .  3
    1.2 镀锌钢板的性能及发展现状   4
    1.3 高强度钢的性能及发展现状   5
    1.4  镀锌钢板焊接研究现状 .  7
    1.5  螺母凸焊焊接技术应用的研究现状 .  8
    1.6  本课题研究主要内容 .  9
    2  试验材料、设备及方案 .  10
    2.1  试验材料   10
    2.2  试验设备   12
    2.3  试验方案   15
    3  圆形焊接螺母与镀锌钢板的凸焊实验过程及结果 .  16
    3.1  焊前准备   16
    3.2  焊接试验过程及结果   17
    4   圆形焊接螺母与镀锌钢板的凸焊焊接性能分析研究   19
    4.1 凸点的破坏试验 .  19
    4. 2 金相试验及宏观观察分析 .  22
    4.3 凸点内存在的缺陷及分析 .  26
    结  论   28
    致  谢   29
    参考文献   30
     1  绪论
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