    (1)有硫缺陷的单层 MoS2的气体分子优化前后位置比无缺陷的单层 MoS2气体吸附模型变化更大。有硫缺陷的单层 MoS2 的吸附能均小于吸附在无缺陷的单层MoS2上的吸附能。
    (2)气体吸附后在费米面附近有态密度。 21594
    (3)气体分子与单层MoS2之间有明显的电荷转移。 (4)无缺陷的单层 MoS2的带隙 Gap 为 1.649eV,有硫缺陷的单层 MoS2的 Gap为1.245eV。吸附气体分子后 Gap发生相应的改变。
    毕业论文关键词  气体吸附  单层MoS2  硫缺陷  电导率  电荷转移  带隙
    Title Simulation of two-dimensional semiconductor sulphide  properties                                                 
    Single-layer MoS2  is a two-dimensional semiconductor material, has
    excellent performance of direct band gap etc.. This paper mainly studied
    the gas adsorption sensitivity of defect free monolayer MoS2 and sulfur
    deficient monolayer MoS2  as a gas sensor. Among the first principle
    calculation, the gas adsorption model has been geometry optimized and the
    energy changes after gas adsorption, the adsorption energy, and electronic
    state density, electrical conductivity, charge density have been
    calculated. From the results of calculation, the main conclusions are as
    (1)Sulfur deficient monolayer MoS2  gas molecules change larger than
    single-layer MoS2 gas adsorption model before and after optimization.
    Adsorption energy on sulfur deficient monolayer MoS2  was less than
    adsorption energy on defect free Single-layer MoS2.
    (2)After the gas adsorption, the new density of states appeared near the
    Fermi surface.
    (3)The gas molecules adsorbed on the monolayer MoS2 has obvious charge
    transfer between each other.
    (4)The defect free  Single-layer MoS2  has  band gap 1.649eV, sulfur deficient
    monolayer MoS2  has Gap 1.245eV. Gap changed after adsorption of gas molecules.
    Keywords    gas adsorption  monolayer MoS2  sulfur defect  
    electrical conductivity  charge transfer  band gap 
    目  录
    1. 引言.  1
    1.1 MoS2的发展现状    1
    1.1.1 石墨烯.  1
    1.1.2 二文半导体材料..  2
    1.1.3 层状 MoS2   3
    1.1.4 层状 MoS2材料的制备  ..  4
    1.1.5 层状 MoS2材料的表征  ..  4
    1.1.6 层状 MoS2材料的应用  ..  4
    1.1.7 层状 MoS2在气体吸附方面的研究  .  5
    1.1.8 目前研究中存在的问题..  6
    1.1.9 小结  6
    1.2 第一性原理的基本介绍  .  6
    1.2.1 量子力学..  6
    1.2.2 两个近似..  7
    1.2.3 两个定理..  7
    1.2.4 交换关联能  7
    1.2.5 常用计算软件.  8
    1.2.6 小结  8
    1.3 本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径):    9
    1.3.1 要研究的问题.  9
    1.3.2 拟采用的研究手段  9
    1.3.3 小结  9
    2. 计算方法与步骤..  10
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